Chapter 78

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"Colby stop!" I backed away from him, holding my hands out in front of myself. He advanced on me like a wolf stalking its prey. His lips curled up in a wicked little grin that sent chills down my spine. "You're going in y/n. Whether you like it or not." I shook my head, begging him. "But it's cooooollld baby!" My foot slipped a little and I glanced down to make sure that I didn't fall. As soon as I took my attention off of him, he charge me, catching me around the waist, and jumped in the pool. We both went under in the freezing water, and I came up shivering, and wiping my hair back from my face. Colby came up beside me seconds later, his hair plastered to his head, the blue completely gone in his dark hair. "You asshole!" I yelled, splashing him in the face. "Hey!" He wiped his eyes, and laughed. He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me close to him. We were the only ones in the backyard at the moment, and we were just having fun. We had only spoken about one other time. Neither of us had brought it up since. "You're wearing a bikini. You said you wanted to get in the pool." I huffed. "I would have, in my own time." He poke his finger at my bottom lip. "Stop sulking. I just sped things up." He leaned his head towards me, and pressed his wet lips to my own, slipping his tongue out and swiping it across my bottom lip. "Colby!" He leaned back from and growled quietly. "What Gage?" He said, his tone annoyed. Gage had a big grin on his face, knowing that he had interrupted us and irritated Colby. "Dylan is here to see you." Colby sighed and pressed a quick open mouth kiss to my lips. "To be continued." He whispered before turning back to Gage. "Tell him to come on back. I'm not getting out. This water is cold and if I get out, I'm not getting back in." Gage laughed and nodded. "Don't contaminate the pool water, huh Brother." Colby's lips curved into a grin and splashed water at Gage, catching him across his front. "Bro! Chill!" Colby laughed and shook his head. "Go get Dylan." Gage flipped him off and walked back into the house. "What is Dylan doing here?" I asked, worried. I hadn't heard anything from or about any of them, besides Colby saying that he was texting Dylan one night, when I asked what he was doing. It was irrational, but they reminded me of the night that I was trying to forget. "I don't know. Probably wants to try to talk me into going out to the barn with them tonight for the pact." "Wait, what?" I had forgotten about that. I just assumed it wasn't happening any longer after everything. "Are you going?" "Not if you don't want me to. I know you probably don't want to go back out there." I shook my head. "No...I don't...but I don't want to mess something up that you've had planned with your friends literally since you were children." "Dylan walked out the sliding glass doors then, closing them behind him. "What's up brother?!" He walked up onto the finished deck, and sat down in the lounge chair closest to the pool. Colby lifted his head at him. "Hey man. What's going on?" Dylan shrugged. "Not a lot. Just wanted to see if you were up to hang out tonight." His eyes flicked to mine. "Both of you. We haven't seen a lot of you, or gotten to know y/n here." He smiled sweetly at me, and I returned it. "There's a reason for that Dylan. There's been a lot going on." His voice got rough, like he was getting mad. Dylan raised his hands in surrender. "I know that bro. Still, I don't know when you'll be coming back. We already may not be able to attend your wedding since it'll be in LA. This is kind of our last bash before you're a married man." Colby looked at me, and I shrugged. I wasn't going to try to stop him. I wanted him to have fun. Wait tho..."Hold up." I said, raising one hand. They both looked at me, with their eyebrows raised. It was kind of comical. "Is Tessa going to be there?" Colby looked back at Dylan, waiting for an answer. Dylan bit the inside of his cheek, before answering. "No...I haven't seen or heard from her since....that night. Oh, HE got busted again. Found parked in the middle of the road, all kinds of drugs in his pockets, and his car, open containers, and even a stolen gun. He's in jail right now, waiting for his court date. Thought you'd wanna know." Dylan nodded at Colby, like he was trying to tell him something that I didn't understand. Colby nodded back, so apparently he did. "Thanks brother. You don't know how much I appreciate that." He dragged his hand through his wet hair. "I still think about hunting him down so I'm glad that can't now. I don't know what I'm capable of when it comes to him anymore. Not after..." His eyes flicked to mine again, filled with pain. "Not after what he did." So Dylan, and maybe the other guys, set Johnny up...those sneaky, sneaky boys. A wide smile crossed my face. I was glad that they did. Dylan noticed, and he smiled and nodded at me. "They also found a certain drug on him that is used in certain illegal situations. So he'll be charged with attempted...rape." I guess he wasn't sure how I would react to the word but I was fine. Johnny was getting at least some of what he deserved. I couldn't be happier. "So no Tessa and no Johnny?" I asked. Dylan grinned, running his tongue over his top teeth. "Nope, just me, Jackson, Rob, and Derek. That's it." He held his hands open, his eyes moving from me to Colby. "What do you say bro? Looks like your girl might be down?" It was a question directed at me, when his eyes moved back to me. "Yeeeahh..." I said slowly. 

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