Chapter 30

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"I'm gonna take a shower in this," I said, laughing. Colby looked at me, eyes wide. "Are you really?" I nodded. "Kind of. Can't use any products because I don't want to make the fish and things sick but I want to get under this waterfall. Don't you?" "You're crazy, you know that?" Sam said, looking at me awestruck. I tilted my head at him. "Yeah....but aren't we all? Never normal, right?" I laughed, as he smiled at me. "I wanna do this too. I'm going to go back and get the rest of the guys." Jake said. "Hey wait, I'll go with you! I need to grab something from camp." Colby replied. He turned back to me. "You okay here for a few minutes? Sam is staying." I glanced up at him, then over to Sam, and nodded. "Yeah, I think we'll be okay." "Yeah, we'll be fine Colby. I'll keep her safe." Sam replied, walking over and putting his arm around my shoulders. Colby's eyes darkened a little but he smiled. "Thanks man." He said, turning and walking out with Jake. "He's starting to get jealous." I said, looking at Sam and ducking out from under his arm. He laughed. "I know. That's the point." I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head. "So we're just doing the cheating prank tonight right? We'll wait on the injured or dead prank? I'm not sure that I can make him feel that much pain at one time." I rubbed my face with both hands. "It's already killing me. I'm not used to doing this, like you guys are." Sam looked at me sympathetically. "It's never easy, but it's worth it when it's over. Trust me. Plus we technically haven't had a prank war in about 3 years, so everyone is a little rusty." He pursed his lips, and rubbed his chin. "Colby's gonna get me back for this, for sure. F*ck...that's the only bad part." My eyes widened. "Do you think he'll get me back too?" I hadn't thought of that. Sam started laughing at my expression. "Maybe but not as hard as he gets me. He's too soft when it comes to you. I usually am with Katrina but I really want to get her reaction on this." He looked to the ground. "I know it's going to hurt her but we won't drag it out. Just a couple of minutes and we're done." He looked at me for reassurance. I nodded and smiled. "Okay, you're the expert." "No, Colby's the expert. He's done this with me, Kat, and Devyn. I've only done it with him and Devyn." I slapped my hand over my mouth for a moment. "With Devyn? Did Corey kill you? Are you dead right now?" He laughed but I was kind of serious. "How are you and Colby alive if you pretended to cheat with Devyn?" I was amazed. "We almost weren't. Corey chased me down the stairs and I fell. He almost beat the crap out of me but Devyn stopped him before he hit me. He dragged Colby out of bed and almost got him but again, Devyn stopped him." He shook his head, with a faraway look in his eyes, reminiscing. "The TrapHouse will always be some of the best times of our lives." "So I've heard." I said dryly, smiling. "Okay, I'm getting cold." The drafty cave combined with me being in wet underwear was not a good combination. "If I'm gonna be cold, might as well be in the water." I said shrugging. Sam chuckled. "You're not wrong." Next thing I know, he picked me up and threw me in the small pool area. It was absolutely colder than the lake. This was colder than anything I had ever experienced before in my life. My breath left my body and I gasped multiple times, unable to even speak. Sam jumped in after me, pulling me to a standing position. "You okay?" He asked, his voice concerned. "Ye-yeah. It's just COLD." I exclaimed. His hands were still on my upper arms when everyone else walked in following Jake and Colby. What they saw was me and Sam in our underwear, standing close together in a romantic waterfall setting...this was working out perfectly and we weren't even trying. I wondered how Colby would react tonight. Would he walk out like Sam claimed that he did, or would he go nuts like Corey did? "Couldn't wait on us, huh?" Colby asked, putting the towel that he had in his arms down against the wall. His face was unreadable but it wasn't happy. "I got in, and it was too cold. I couldn't breath, so Sam got in to pull me up and check on me." I replied, trying to make the truth sound like a lie. "You know," Kat started speaking with a haughty tone, "you guys have been buddy, buddy all day. What's going on with you guys?" Sam furrowed his brow at her. "What are you talking about Kat? We aren't acting any different than we always do. Chill." He got out of the little pool area and walked up to her. "Why do you always think something is going on? You've been acting weird since this morning." She looked down and sighed deeply. Looking back up, she met his gaze. "Sorry babe. I don't know what I'm doing today." "It's fine," He replied with a sweet smile. "Come on." He said, holding out his hand to her. She took it and they both came back to the pool, getting in. "Oh HOLY SHIT, this is freeeeezing!!" Kat yelled. We all laughed. The others, including Colby climbed in and started yelling about it being a lot colder too. "Well..." Colby said, sloshing through the water to sit down next to me in the water. "It's gone." I looked at him, confused. "What is?" He looked down in between his legs. " you're pee pee went bye bye for the winter?" I asked him innocently. Sam busted out laughing, remembering where that line came from. Colby narrowed his eyes at me. "Yes y/n...yes it did." I laughed, and leaned over, kissing him on the cheek.

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