Chapter 39

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"Now you know that I'm NOT getting on a plane by myself. I do not like those things. If this weren't your wedding, then I wouldn't be coming to you. You'd have to come to me." I sighed. "Seriously Mother? Planes are proven to be safer than cars." "No, it's proven that there are more accidents in cars. That's only because there are more cars on the road than there are planes in the sky. Now, again I'll ask, when are you coming to get me? Oh, I know! You and Colby can come visit for a week, let me get to know him on my terms, then I'll fly back with you!" She sounded so excited by this but I wasn't. I didn't really want Colby seeing where I grew up or that we didn't have a lot of money. I did want him to meet my Mom though. She was the most important woman in my life, my rock. I sighed into the phone. "Okay Momma. I'll make sure that everything is taken care of here, within the next couple of months and fly to you a couple of months before the wedding. We have to be back a few weeks before the wedding though! Just to make sure that all of the last minute things are dealt with." My mother giggled like a young school girl. "Don't you have someone to do that for you? Living your big LA life." I laughed. "Yeah, my assistant. You know her better as Serena, S for short." "Oh I miss Serena and her snarky attitude. You know, she always made me want to smack her but then she would hug me and laugh, which made me forgive her. She knew how to work me, that one." I smiled, thinking back to all the times that Serena had stayed over at my house, nagging my mother to death, then kissing her on the cheek, to make her smile. "Well, you'll see her when you get to LA Momma. She's excited to see you too." "Okay, that sounds good." "Alright, I have to let you go now, but I'll talk to you soon. Love you Momma. I miss you." I could hear her voice cracking with emotion and it brought tears to my eyes. It had been too long since I had seen my Mom. "I love you too baby girl. Miss you." We hung up, and I allowed myself a couple of minutes to cry over missing my Mom. Even a grown ass woman still needs her Mom. I went to the bathroom and cleaned my face up, reapplying my makeup, and fixed my hair. Then I went next door and knocked before letting myself in. The first thing that I noticed was Sam holding a camera, filming Colby and himself...not quite sure what they were doing. Colby slid off the couch, onto the floor, making a weird noise, while Sam filmed it. "That was perfect." Sam laughed. "Yeah?" Colby asked laughing, and getting up off the floor. I didn't want to interrupt so I didn't say anything, but Colby looked over and saw me, his eyes lighting up. "Baby! Sam, look! It's my Bebay!" I smiled and shook my head at him. "Hey Sam," I said, throwing my hand up in a greeting. "Hey y/n." He replied smiling. Colby ran over to greet me, picking me up and swinging me around. I giggled and smacked his back. "Put me down, you dork." He let me slide down his body, till my feet hit the ground, but kept his arms around my waist. He smiled, looking into my eyes, but then his smile faltered. He reached his hand up, his thumb stroking my cheek, next to my eye. "You've been crying." How did he know? "How do you do that? I literally fixed everything before I came over here! Even made sure that my eyes weren't red anymore." "They're still a little red, but they're also glassy. So you're either stoned, or you've been crying. What's wrong" I laughed a little. "Well, I'm not stoned. Nothing's wrong. I just got off the phone with my Mom and I finally told her about the engagement and the wedding all in one. We had a nice talk. I just miss her." I said, sniffing a little, getting emotional again. "Aw babe." He brought me in for a hug. "Oh shit." He said suddenly, still hugging me. "What? What's wrong?" He pulled back from me, looking scared. "I have to tell my Mom now." "Just about the wedding though. She already knows that we're engaged...doesn't she?" He shook his head slowly, actual terror in his eyes. "We've been busy and the trips, and just...I don't know. I just haven't brought it up. Plus, you still haven't met her and she might hate me for getting engaged to someone that she hasn't approved of." I blinked at him. "Wait, is that a thing? Should I be worried that the wedding will be off if she doesn't like me?" He laughed. "No, not at all....but maybe, make sure that she likes you." He turned towards Sam, who was filming us without us knowing. "Brother, no. We aren't posting this. Oh f*ck!" He looked back at me. "We still have to tell the we have too?" He whined at me. I laughed, covering my mouth with my hand. "We do eventually. Should probably just get it over with." He groaned. "But you remember the hate that you got just for dating me. I mean, it's calmed down a lot but it's still out there. Plus, my fan base fell off quite a bit when I became unavailable. They didn't like that too much." I shrugged and rolled my eyes. "So they'll have to get over it." I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Cuz I'm not giving you up and the real fans have stuck around, and you've gained more. You'll be fine...and I can deal with the hate. It won't be the first time, probably not the last." He smiled, and leaned over to press his soft lips against mine. "Yeah, you're right. We got this." I smiled against his lips and murmured "Always." "Awww, this is the cutest shit ever!" I heard Sam exclaim. I looked over Colby's shoulder to find him still filming. 

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