Chapter 24

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One of the other guys was startled awake shortly after, thinking that he heard a scream but wasn't sure if he had dreamed it. He unzipped his tent, peering out and shining his light. He thought he saw a shadow flit through the trees but he tried to find it, he didn't see anything. He climbed out of his tent to wake his friends. They discovered that two of their friends were missing. Again, they heard something in the woods. They shined their lights again, making out a, a couple of shadow people coming towards them. They called to them, thinking that it was their friends. Unable to really see anything but the silhouette, the chanting came through loud and clear, but drifting like a voice in the wind. "Come to me. Come see. Come to me. Come see." Over and Over again, while the shadows moved closer to them. The guys decided to run, not caring if it was their friends playing a joke. It was too much. The next few days passed and the authorities arrived at the campsite. All of their things were still there but there was no sign of the group of friends. Only the words scratched in the dirt, "Come to me. Come see." Everyone was staring so intently at Sam and no one said anything for a moment.  "Bro, that was creepy as f*ck." Colby said quietly, looking behind us into the trees. Sam nodded. "I know. I wanted to creep you guys out but now I'm creeped out too." He laughed nervously, then slightly nudged Kat. If I hadn't been watching, I wouldn't have noticed. I guess it was time for the prank now. She stood up and leaned over to kiss his cheek, then looked at Devyn. "Dev, will you walk with me over behind that tree? I need to pee but I don't want to go alone." Devyn stood up off of Corey's lap and nodded. "Yeah, of course. I'll grab the toilet paper." Kat sighed. "This is one part of camping that I don't really like. No indoor plumbing." I laughed. "Agreed. There are bathrooms back at the entrance of this place but it's a couple miles out and we would have to walk back to the cars." She shook her head. "Nah, this is fine for now." She and Devyn walked towards the woods just to the outskirts and went behind the closest tree. I didn't see how they were that brave right after those stories. A few minutes passed, while we sat around the fire joking around, trying to lighten the mood. I nudged Tara with my foot to let her know that it was time. She caught my eye and very slightly nodded. She kissed Jake, then stood up. "I think I'm going to go to the tent and change. I'm kind of cold." "Want me to come with?" He asked, raising his eyebrows suggestively and smiling. She laughed. "Maybe later. I'll be right back." Jake watched her walk away so she had to actually duck inside the tent. It wasn't long before I saw her peek her head out and then join Kat and Devyn, who were motioning to her from behind a different tree. They had switched spots so that they wouldn't be seen if they came looking for them. "Hasn't it taken Kat and Devyn long enough?" Corey asked, shuffling his feet with a worried expression on his face. "Yeah, you're right." Sam replied, standing up. "I'll go check on them." Sam walked off in the general direction of where the girls had first walked too. We didn't walk Jake and Corey freaking out before we could leave too, so Colby stood up a minute after Sam walked off and held out his hand to me. "You ready to lie down babe? I still have to blow up the air mattress." I nodded and took his hand. "I told you that we can just use the sleeping bags." He shook his head. "No, gotta make it nice for my baby." I giggled. "Goodnight guys." I said, as Colby lifted his hand at them. "See you in the morning." We walked towards our tent and unzipped it, then ducked behind it. We peeked out, watching Jake and Corey for a minute, then taking off into the woods a little ways. We didn't go far because...well, we were scared too and it was creepy being out here. "I really don't like it out here." I whispered to Colby huddling up next to him. We could still see the guys at the fire but I couldn't see anything else. I didn't know where the others were now, because darkness surrounded us from all corners except where the fire was coming from. Colby wrapped his arm around me, squeezing a little. "It won't take long and they'll start calling for us, maybe come looking for us. I don't really think that they will come into the woods but you never know." He shrugged. "We'll be out of here soon." I looked up at his face and nodded...or at least, I think I did. I could barely see him right in front of me. "Don't let go of me, okay? I don't want to lose you out here and I can't see anything." "DEVYYYYNN!" I looked back to the fire. Corey and Jake were now standing up looking into the woods. "TARA! Where are you guys?!" "SAM! COLBY! Y/N!" "This isn't funny, you guys! Quit messing around!" I heard them talking to each other. "They're just playing a prank. This is a prank." Jake said, looking at Corey. He shook his head. "I don't care what it is. This sh*t isn't funny Jake." He pulled out his phone, and then threw his hands up. "I can't even call her or anything!" He showed Jake his phone. "No service." "GUYS! HAHA OKAY, YOU CAN COME OUT NOW!" "We didn't have service earlier brother. None of us do." He pulled out his phone to check anyways. "See, nothing." He showed it to Corey who barely glanced at it. "DEVYYYNN!" Corey was starting to freak out bad, his voice cracking a little. Damn, Devyn might not be able to deal with that for too long. 

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