Ruby rose

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Y/N pov

I was walking towards dust till dawn to get dust for libra flare, that is until a girl crashed through the window. She had black hair with red tips, red cape, and silver eyes. She pulled out a big scythe and struck the ground, cracking it.

???: Okaaaay, get her.

One of them tried to attack but he was kicked back by the girl. I decided to join her and got out Libra flare in gun mode and shot one of them, killing him. The last one tried to attack but I changed Libra flare to my swords and when he swung at me, I side stepped and swipe and him to the ground.

???: Well kids, we could all say it has be an eventful evening (he raises his can and aims it at red) and as much as i love to stick around and chat, this is where we part ways. (He shoots at red)

Y/N: Look out. (I run and push her out of the way taking the force of the attack)

Red: Are you ok. (she runs to me)

Y/N: Yea, I'm fine. Look, he's getting away. (We see him climbing up the latter)

Red: ( turns to shopkeeper) You okay if we go after him.

Shopkeeper: uh huh.

Red and I got to the top of the building.

Red: Hey.

???: Persistent. (A bullhead came from behind the building and he jumped on it. He threw a dust crystal at us and shot at us) End of the line kids.

Just as the crystal exploded a huntress with blond hair tied to a bun with a white shirt and a black skirt blocked the crystal.

The huntress adjusts her glasses and fire magic with her riding crop.

???: (He turned to the pilot) We got a huntress.

The guy took control and the huntress made a storm firing ice out and almost hitting the guy. The pilot was wearing a red dress. She came out and shot fire. The huntress made a shield, she used the flames and fires a spear made out of flames and shot at her, but the lady wearing the dress shot at the spear breaking it but the huntress collected the pieces of the spear and it went around the bullhead about to hit it but the woman shot fire protecting her. Ruby and I brought our weapons and shot at her. The woman blocked all of them. Then they got away on the bullhead.

Red: (turned to the huntress) you're a huntress. Can I have your autograph.

Huntress: You two come with me right now.

We followed her and led us to a office.

Huntress: You realize your action will not be taken lightly you two.

Red: They started it.

Huntress: If it was up to me you two will be sent home with a pat on the back ... and a slap on the wrist ( hitting the table with her riding crop making red jump.

Huntress: But there is someone who would like to meet you.

A man that I realized was professor Ozpin came with a plate of cookies.

Ozpin: Y/N L/N and Ruby Rose (looked at Ruby) you have silver eyes.

Ruby: uh... um.

Ozpin: Tell me, how did you learn to do this.

Ruby: Signal Academy.

Ozpin: They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed.

Ruby: Well one teacher in particular.

He set the plate of cookies in front of us and ruby started eating all of it. I grabbed one and ate it.

Ozpin: It's just, I've only seen one other scythe- weilder of that skill before. A dust old Qrow.

Ruby: That's mu uncol. ( she swallowed her cookies) Sorry. That's my uncle Qrow. I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. Now I'm like washaaw haww.

Ozpin: So I noticed. What's a adorable girl such as yourself at a school designed to train warriors.

Ruby: I want to be a huntress.

Ozpin: You want to slay monsters

Ruby:Yea, I have two more years at signal, and than I'm going to apply to beacon. You see my sister is starting there this year, She wants to become a huntress and I want to become a huntress, because I want to help people. My parents always told me to help others, so I was like I might as well make a career out of this. I mean the police are cool but huntmans and huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting and just waah you know

Ozpin:And what about you Y/N, how did you learn your fighting skilled.

Y/N: I was actually self taught.

Ozpin: Really, you taught yourself to use your weapons.

Y/N; Uh huh.

Ozpin: Do you know who I am.

Ruby and Y/N: Your professor Ozpin.

Ozpin: You two want to go to my school.

Ruby: More than anything.

Y/N: Yea i do.

Ozpin: Well ok


I was walking home looking at my locket around my neck

Y/N's mind: I promise I'll become a huntsman just like you wanted me to, father ( sheds a tear)

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Y/N's mind: I promise I'll become a huntsman just like you wanted me to, father ( sheds a tear).

The locket contained a picture of me holding my 6 year old sister. That was 7 years ago and I aim to find her.

Time skip to the bullhead

I was looking out the window. And I saw this guy who was about to throw up.

Y/N: Well, I hope he's ok.

End of chapter 1: what happened to Y/N's family and sister

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