A Minor hiccup

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Team RWBY, Ryoko, and I were waiting for class to end so we can go about thwarting our enemies plan. Jaune was trying to get Weiss to say yes to a date as Weiss was staring at her clock.

Jaune: So Weiss, you know Uh, I was thinking that after this, maybe we go grab a bit to eat? And uh, you know well I-I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis movie if you want to make a trip to Vale. I hear it's awesome. And... than maybe after that we could, study together? I mean your smart and I'm a, you know...

Just than the alarm went off signaling to the students that class was over.

Port: And then I- oh, uh, timed that one wrong I guess. Well the stunning conclusion to the story will have to wait. Until next time.

Weiss then gets up uninterested in Jaune's efforts.

Jaune: Weiss? Did you hear me?

Weiss: No, no, no, yes.

Jaune: ( Sighs In disappointment) Oh...

Yang: One day.

Time-skip to Team RWBY's dorm

We all put on new clothes on instead of our original ones. Ruby wearing a black skirt with a grey shirt under it with her original cape, and black boots. Weiss was wearing a white fancy skirt with buttons and is wearing thigh length boots. Blake was wearing a white whit jacket with a black shirt, black wrappings around her arms, black leggings with black boots. Yang wearing a short black jacket, a white shirt, black shorts, thigh length socks and black boots. Ryoko wears a sleeveless red jacket with blue fingerless gloves, Red nylons with blue boots. And I wear a white jacket with black gloves, Blue sweats and black boots.

Blake: I thought that class would never end.

Ruby: Alright guys, today's the day. The investigation, begins! (As she jumps off her bunk making Weiss jumps to the side of her bed)

Weiss: I'm glad to see that we are taking this so seriously.

Yang: Hey! We've got a plan. That's... moderately serious.

Ruby: Right, everyone remembers their roles?

Weiss: You, Ryoko, and I will head to the CCT and check the Schnee records for any other Dust robberies, or inconsistencies. Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem.

Y/N: The White Fang has regular faction meeting to hand out orders and recruit new members. If Blake and I can get in, we can hopefully find out what they're planning.

Yang: I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on I Vale. Getting information out of him shouldn't be to hard.

Ruby: Great, we'll meet up tonight near Yang to go over what we found. Let's do this!

Sun: Yeah!

We all saw Sun hanging from outside the window. We all take a step back at seeing this

Ryoko: Sun!

Yang: How did you get up there?

Sun: Ah, it's easy. I do it all the time.

Weiss: You do what?!

Sun: I climb trees all the time!

Weiss is giving him a angry look.

Ruby: So... are we finally getting back at that Torchwick guy?

Blake: We, are going to investigate the situation. As a team.

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