Dead End

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Y/N: C'mon! You didn't even hear us out!

Atlas guard 2 (AG): Our orders are clear! The Mistral-Atlas border is closed!

AG 1: Please!

AG 2: Have a good day!

Y/N: But-

AG 1 & 2: A good day!

Reiko: Look! I'm an official Atlas Huntress! And if you don't believe that I'm Ironwood's very best-

AG 1 & 2: General Ironwood!

Reiko: Pfft. General Ironwood, then fine. And even more reason, we have Weiss Schnee with us and we're trying to get her home safely.

AG 1 & 2: *looks at each other, then back to us* Approach!

Weiss approaches the gate as the guards do. And they examine her

AG 1 & 2: Very well!

AG 1: You may speak with our commanding officer.

AG 2: We will fetch her at once.

They turn around to get their "commanding officer".

AG 1 & 2: Hup-hup-hup-hup-hup! Atlas Atlas Atlas.

Blake: They were kind of...

Ryoko: Super weird? Huh, yeah.

Maria: Hmmmm...

Oscar: What's wrong?

Maria: Well I, may know this commanding officer.

Ruby: That's good isn't it? If she's your friend then maybe she'd be more willing to help us.

Maria: I wouldn't exactly call us..."friends".

Weiss: Acquaintances?

Maria: Not quite.

Ana: Colleagues?

Maria: Warmer.

Yang: Enemies?

Maria: That's the one!

Oscar: Wait, what?

Maria: Oh, yes. I come through here about once every ten years to get my eyes checked up in Atlas. You bring outside cashews on one flight, and suddenly you're placed on the additional screening list for life!

Qrow: You've gotta be kidding me.

Maria: Now, now. Let's not give up hope yet. Maybe she's dead.

Just then the gates opening revealing the AG.

AG 1: Introducing!

AG 2: Special operative!

AG 1 & 2: Caroline Cordovin!

Then an old lady the size of Maria walked forward. She walked right up to Maria.

Caroline: Witch.

Maria: She-devil.

Caroline: Hm, I've seen you've chosen larger contraband to smuggle this time.

Maria: Oh, Cordo. You know they say time changes people, but I see you've still got that stick right up- *points her hand up*

Ruby: *pushes her hand down* H-hello! Miss, uh, Cordovin. My name is Ruby Rose, and I was wondering if you would hear us out about-

Caroline: I've already heard what your other little friends had to say, Miss Rose. What are you doing back here?? *shouting at Team JNR behind the yellow line* I thought I told you to leave!

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