Alone in the Woods

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I was sharpening the blades to Libra Flare I saw Ruby sitting on the stairs all alone, so I went to go sit with her.

Y/N: Is something wrong?

Ruby: No. I just needed some time to myself. I'm fine now though.

Ruby got up and walked towards Qrow and I followed her.

Qrow: Storm's cleared up for now. We should be able to leave by morning.

Ruby: That's good.

Qrow: No. I don't have a good feeling about this place. Especially with me around.

Y/N: Are you okay, Qrow?

Qrow: *scoffs* Sure. Tell everyone to get some sleep. I'll wake you guys up just before sunrise.

Ruby and I wake to the living room to tell everyone what Qrow said.

Oscar: It's a diary?

Maria: The head of this household, Bartleby. Apparently he and several other families founded this little settlement to try and live on their own. It sounds like it worked, at least for a spell.

Oscar: Grimm?

Maria: Just one of many hardships. Slowed down their farming, made everything harder. It's a shame, really. He seemed like quite the ambitious fellow. Always thinking of new schemes to overcome the odds.

Ruby: Hey, guys.

Y/N: Qrow said we should get some sleep. We're gonna head out early tomorrow.

Yang: Thank goodness.

Maria: The last thing you'll catch me doing is letting some kid tell me what to do. "Go to bed!" *scoffs*

Time-skip to morning

I woke up to the light shining right on my face and I saw that Ruby's head was on my shoulder. I carefully set her head down on the carpet and opened the curtains

Weiss: Close the window!

I walked to Qrow and picked up a empty bottle.

Y/N: Qrow? Get up.

Qrow: *groans* Leave me alone.

Y/N: We overslept.

Qrow: *groans and pushed me aside*

I threw the bottle off to the side breaking it making him wake up.

Qrow: *groans* What? Oh, right. Sunrise.

Y/N: Are you okay, Qrow? We can talk if you want.

Qrowl: Let's just get out of here.


Weiss; There

Ryoko: Can we just go back to bed?

Blake: If we're all so tired, maybe we should make breakfast?

Ryoko: You wanna make it

Blake: Not really.

Ruby and I are pushing the flatbed out of the garage.

Ruby: You guys got the bike ready?

Yang just pointed at it.

Qrow: Well, it's done now. So let's hook this thing up. *place his foot on it*

A tire then went flat.

Qrow: *groans*

Maria: You people are just beacons for bad luck, aren't you?

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