Unforseen Complications

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Reiko POV

Ghira was pacing back and forth holding notes while the rest of us were sitting down. Kali then put her hand on Ghira's shoulder.

Kali: Are you ready?

Ghira: Yes. It won't be easy for the people to hear, but the truth often isn't. I know they'll do the right thing.

Blake and I went to his side as Sun puts his hand on Ghira's shoulder.

Ghira: Huh?

Sun: You got this.

We all slowly look in his direction. Ghira soon walks to the stage in front of a crowd as we follow suit. Ghira raises his hand to silence the crowd.

Ghira: Thank you all for assembling here. I wanted to take time to address some of the rumors that have been circulating around our island. I believe that it is important for the people of this territory to understand the truth. No matter how you feel about the human race, I think we can all agree that the event now known as the Fall of Beacon was a tragedy. A tragedy that will set both man and Faunas-kind back. While the main aggressor is still unknown, we do have official confirmation that Adam Taurus... the leader of a powerful splinter group working inside the White Fang, was partially responsible for these attacks. His actions not only tarnished the reputation of an organization originally created to bring peace and equality to all, but to our entire race. With each day that this man remains unpunished, it becomes increasingly difficult to condemn those that look down upon us.

The crowd begins murmurs at this, but Ghira raised his hand up to silence them once more.

Ghira: Recently, a spy from the same splinter group set their sights to n this very home. My own daughter, Blake, and her friend, Reiko, did their very best to apprehend this individual. While they were unsuccessful after being physically assaulted and seriously injured, they were successful in obtaining the assailant's scroll. *Takes the scroll out to show everyone* With this, we have been able to ascertain that Adam Taurus has plans to overthrow the current leader of the White Fang, Sienna Khan, and take over the reins himself. His radical plans do not stop there, the documents on this scroll proclaim his next target to be Haven Academy and it's attached CCT Tower. Their plan is to strike on the last full moon before the beginning of the fall semester, roughly two months from today. I have sent my swiftness messenger to the government of Mistral, but I believe we have a greater responsibility. My relationship with the White Fang has been... an interesting one. Years ago, I led the organization to help try and create a world where I, and every Faunas who wished, could walk alongside the human race. And while I believe we made great strides toward this goal, it was made clear to me that the people both in and out of the White Fang wanted faster results. So I stepped down, and Sienna Khan was appointed as my successor. It's true that I do not fully condone many of her methods. What I do condone is what Sienna fights for: the idea that the Faunas and humans are, and should be, equal. Adam Taurus does not seem to have that goal in mind. What he has done benefits no one but himself. I think it's time that the Faunas showed the world that we are equals! Time that we snuff out this splinter group, and restore the White Fang to what it once was!

The crowd cheers.

Ghira: To do this, I think the answer is clear: we must go to Haven and protect it at all costs!

The crowd stops cheering and starts to murmur again.

Ghira: *clears throat* Before we proceed any further, I'd like to invite my daughter to come and share her story. Not only as a former member of the White Fang, but also as a survivor of the Fall of Beacon.

Ghira stands down and Blake approaches him.

Ghira: You can do this.

Ilia: Traitors!

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