Y/N & Ryoko vs Akuma Part 1

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Y/N: Let's do this!

Ryoko: Yeah!

I charged at Akuma with Ryoko following close behind. I slashed at him. He stopped it with his hand. Ryoko jumped above me and kicked him back. Ryoko continued her assault with her swords, but he blocked both and elbow her back. Ryoko charged up an ice beam as I charged up a fire beam. And we both fired hoping to hit Akuma. The beams exploded and when the dust cleared we saw Akuma standing there with a green barrier.

Akuma: You're mistaken if you think you can beat me.

Y/N: I don't care how little of a chance we have, I'll fight you until my last breath.

Akuma charged up a black ball and fired it towards me. The blast was about to hit, but it never did. When I looked in front of me, Ryoko was standing there. She formed a purple barrier similar to Akuma's green one.

Akuma: What?!

Yomi: Did I... see that correctly?

Ren: What do you mean?

Yomi: What Ryoko just did was... magic. And I think she has more like that up her sleeve.

The purple barrier dispersed and a bunch of beams were created from the barrier. She fired every single one at him, hitting him.

Y/N: Ryoko... How?

Ryoko turned herself slowly towards me.

Ryoko... I... don't know. My body moved on its own. And then, that happened.

Yomi: Wait... Huh?

Y/N: Well, let's be grateful.

Akuma: You'll pay for that!

Akuma charged towards her, but I used the mystical sword to block it, then Ryoko got out from behind and slashed at him connecting the the first one, but missing the second.

Yomi: There teamwork is amazing.

Mom: There are siblings after all. They are completely in sync.

Ruby: C'mom! You can do it!

Mom: Agh!

Kitsune: Are you okay?

Mom: I'm fine. But I suspect my time might be running out.

Winter: Huh? Oh, yeah. If Akuma isn't defeated in time––

Mom: Then I'll be just like them. And I'll lose all reasoning. Behind you!

Winter looked behind her to see a beowolf. Winter slashed it killing it.

Winter: Thanks for the heads up.

Ryoko fired lighting at Akuma, but Akuma shot a dark beam at her. The two attacks clashed and a big explosion sent both of them back. As Ryoko was flying back I got behind her and caught her from falling.

Ryoko: Thanks.

Y/N: Thank me after we win.

I charged at him and jumped up to get more momentum for my attack. Akuma jumped back to dodge it and when the sword connected to the ground, it made a crater and sent a bunch of wind in all directions. Ryoko ran and elbow him making him stumble back. Akuma then punched him back. I slash at him. He blocked the sword and punched me back. Akuma charged at Ryoko, but she backflipped and shot at Akuma, but he summoned the barrier blocking it.

Yomi: Could they actually win?

Mom: Y/N isn't fighting for himself. He's fighting for all of us.

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