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Team RWBY, Ryoko, and I are all surrounded by Grimm.

Y/N: Well Ryoko, time for some fun.

Ryoko: You could say that again.

Ryoko and I are back to back with our weapons in hand. We're surrounded Grimm. We had our weapons to our guns and decided to shoot all the beowolves surrounding us, then turned our weapons to our swords. 4 ursai.

Y/N: Each take on 2?

Ryoko: Yea.

I stabbed one of my swords into an ursa's stomach while Ryoko decapitated one

Y/N: Capricorn Flare!

As I said that I created fire and shot it at them while Ryoko created ice and fired at them. It didn't only take down the ursai, but took down the King taijitu also.

Ryoko: Nice!

We did a high five and laughed.

As for Ruby, she stuck her scythe in the ground and started to run and kicked every Grimm around her. Yang jumped on a Grimm and and started shooting at them from the air. A bunch of bird Grimm flew right to Yang and Yang fell to the ground creating a crater. Blake stabbed at one of the Grimm and shot all the other Grimm running towards her. Weiss slashes a Grimm that jumped over her and stabbed a Grimm in the head that ran towards her and turned around and stabbed the other one in the stomach. She made glyphs and she swung her weapon hitting everything with ice. Yang then hit a car towards a bunch of Grimm killing them. Ruby stabbed 3 Grimm making them disappear. Just then another king taijitu appears and roars at Ruby. She backs away, but the Grimm was getting shot at. Then Nora came out of nowhere and smashed it on the head.

Nora: Nora smash!

She made the king taijitu on the ground

Y/N: Team JNPR made it.

Pyrrha: Sorry we're late.

Y/N: It's fine the more the merrier.

Pyrrha: Now, lets move!

After she said that all of Team JNPR started to fight. Nora hits a Grimm straight in the head.

Nora: Smack!

Ren jumps on the Grimms head and jumps to kick another one, and slashes at one 3 times killing it.

Jaune: Ok, who's first?

After he said that a giant Ursa came from behind him. He slowly turns around to face the ursa. The ursa then roars at Jaune. Jaune slowly walks back

Jaune: O-oh-oh-ok. Your first, huh? Ha-Ha ok. No, that's-that's fine.

Pyrrha impales three Grimm with her spear. And after that she stabs a Grimm right through the mouth killing it. An ursa was about to jump at her, but I stabbed it right through the stomach with Libra Flare.

Y/N: You ok?

Pyrrha: I'm fine. Thank you.

We then saw Jaune slowly backing away from an ursa.

Jaune: Totally fine, done this before. Done this before.

He then goes wild on it slashing at it over and over again. And after he finished, the ursa slowly fall down. We smile at seeing this.

Y/N: You know, he got a long way since the beginning of his time at beacon.

Pyrrha: Yea, but he had us to help him get to where he is.

Y/N: Well let's continue taking these things down.

Pyrrha: Right.

Just then Sun and Neptune came in to fight.

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