1st Fight

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I woke up in a room I don't recognize. I looked around the room and saw nothing but a couple beds.

Ruby: You're awake!

Ruby ran up to me and hugged me as tight as she can.

Y/N: Where am I?

Ruby: You're in the Atlas dormitory.

Y/N: The Atlas dormitory?

Ruby: You don't remember what happened?

Y/N: No. I was on the Atlas aircraft, then I woke up here.

I looked at Ruby and she looked amazing.

I looked at Ruby and she looked amazing

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Y/N: Woah *blushes* You look beautiful.

Ruby: Huh? W-what? Um... Thank... you.

Reiko: Nice to see you're awake.

Y/N: Hello, Reiko.

Ryoko: How are you feeling?

Y/N: I feel... tired.

I looked at Ryoko and she looked... different.

Y/N: I'm not use to seeing you in a ponytail, Ryoko. You look nice.

Ryoko: Oh, um... *blushing* Thanks. I thought I'd do a different look today.

Y/N: Anyways, how long was I out.

Reiko: Um, about 3-4 weeks.

Y/N: Are you serious?! That long?!

Ruby: Yeah, on the way to Atlas, you caught a fever. And a bad fever at that.

Y/N: *looks around* Where's Kitsune?

Ryoko: Hanging out with Penny.

Y/N: Oh, ok-- Wait, what?! Penny?!

Ruby: They retrieved Penny's core from Beacon. And rebuilt her.

Y/N: That's awesome!

Reiko: Um... hey. Y/N and I have to talk... alone.

Ruby: Huh?

Reiko: Just give us time. I won't take long.

Ryoko: Ok, C'mon Ruby. Let's get out of here.

Ruby: Ok.

Ruby and Ryoko left as Reiko pulled up the chair and sat down.

Reiko: So, the last thing you remember is the talk you had with me.

Y/N: Yeah. Please tell me you didn't tell anyone.

Reiko: It's okay. I kept the secret. Did you tell anyone?

Y/N: I was in bed the entire tim--!

Reiko: Relax, I was just kidding. I know you didn't. Are you well enough to walk and fight.

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