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Y/N: No way... the Summer Maiden.

Reiko: I won't die easily, Salem.

Ruby: That means, all four Maidens are here. Winter, Raven, Reiko, and Ryoko. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.

Salem: Tch. Nuisance.

Raven: The only nuisance here... is you!

Reiko: Lets do this!

Reiko, Winter, Raven, and Ryoko charged towards Salem. Winter fired an ice beam, Raven, shot lightning towards her, Reiko shot a fire beam, and Ryoko shot a purple light. All of them hit the target, but Salem stood there with little to no damage.

Winter: She's not getting hurt! We just aren't strong enough to hurt her.

Reiko: We *panting* gotta try *panting* harder.

Reiko feel to one knee and held the whole in her stomach.

Raven: The damage finally caught up to you!

Reiko: I'm *panting* fine!

Reiko tried to stand but fails.

I ran to her.

Y/N: You gotta take it easy, Reiko. You––

Reiko: Take it easy?! There is no taking it easy in this battle! It's let her kill me, or it's die doing what's right!

Reiko was about to charge at her, but Mom got in the way.

Mom: You're not going to fight her! Not with that injury.

Reiko: Mom! I'm fine! *tried to get up, but fails again*

Mom: See! You're in no condition to fight!

Reiko: Don't you see?! I have a job, Mom! A job to maintain peace in the world!

Y/N: Mom's right! You have to rest! If you think this is a minor injury, you're mistaken!

Raven: Just get as much rest as you can, Reiko! We could handle it!

Reiko looked towards the fight, then sighed in defeat.

Reiko: Fine... Don't lose!

Ana ran passed us and impaled Salem with her scythe.

Ana: Gotcha!

Salem: It's quite the opposite.

Ana: Huh?

Blake: Get our of there!

Salem slammed Ana as hard as she can and she flew back towards me and Reiko.

Y/N: Ana!

Ruby: We gotta do something! We are the ones with the Silver eyes!

Y/N: Let's go.

Reiko grabbed my hand.

Reiko:... Be careful. She hits a lot harder than you think.

Y/N:... Right!

Ruby and I charged at Salem and I connected my sword with her chest, but she looked fine. Ruby slashed at her, but she grabbed the scythe and threw her back. Salem grabbed myself by the neck and threw me making a hole in the castle.

Yang: Y/N!

Ruby: Darn it!

Jaune: Are you okay?

Y/N: Nghn. I'll be fine! Instead of helping me, how bout use your powers to amplify Reiko's Aura.

Jaune: Huh? Got it!

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