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Ozpin POV

I was battling Cinder after she gained the Fall Maiden powers.

Ryoko POV

We were running around until we found Weiss.

Weiss: Ruby! Ryoko!

Ruby: Good! We found you!

Weiss: Where have you guys been-

Ruby: Don't worry, we're fine. What's going on?

Weiss just looks down.

Ruby: Weiss? What is it?

We looked behind Weiss and saw Yang and Blake. Blake holding Yang's hand and her other hand... missing.

Everyone noticed I looked very worried.

Velvet: What's wrong Ryoko?

Ryoko: Guys, Where's my brother?

Weiss: Y/N said he had something to do.

Blake: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.

Ruby: Yang...

Sun: Hey... she's gonna be ok. The soldiers have a ship ready to take you guys to Vale.

Nora: But Y/N and Pyrrha are still missing. (Groans)

Ruby: What!?

Sun: Look guys, that giant Grimm keeps circling the school. Even the White Fang are pulling out! We all have to go... now!

Ryoko: No I'm not!I refuse to leave without my brother! No matter what! (Start tearing up) He's my brother... and I love him.

Ruby: Ryoko, don't cry... We'll find them and I'll bring them back.

Weiss: No. We will find them.Watch after Blake and Yang. We'll be back.

After that, Ruby, Weiss, Ryoko all ran to the tower.

Sun: Ugh, you better be.


Pyrrha and I ran out of the vault and ran outside.

Jaune: Ok, I'm going to call Glynda. I think I have her number. Damn, where is it? (Scroll beeping)

Y/N: Pyrrha? What was all of that?

Pyrrha: I-I...

Before she answered me. The ground slightly shook. Revealing Cinder going to the top of the tower.

Y/N: But... Ozpin...

Pyrrha: There's no time... Go! get to Vale, and call for help!

Y/N: Huh? What're you gonna do?

She just looks at the tower.

Y/N: No... No, Pyrrha, you can't! You saw how powerful she is! Pyrrha, I won't let you do-

My sentence was cut off by Pyrrha kissing me. I slowly melt into it. And then we separated the kiss.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry.

After that she throws me into a locker and sets coordinates.

Y/N: Hey! W-wait! Stop! Stop! Pyrrha, please don't do this!

She takes a couple of steps back and the locker shot off to who knows where.

Ruby POV

Weiss checks her scroll to see someone calling her.

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