The sad truth

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Y/N: Well, the thing is...


10 years old Y/N POV

I was walking home to my family after I went to gather pieces to finish the design I had on Libra Flare when I saw two white fang members ganging up on this kid. So I went to intervene.

Young Y/N: Hey, stop ganging up on him. He's just a kid.

WF 1: So, he's human. Get lost. Or we'll have a problem.

Y/N: No can do. I won't let you hurt him anymore.

The first WF member tried to punch me. But I grabbed his fist and uppercut him making him fall back. The other one grabbed me for the other one to punch but I when he tried to I move my feet up to pushed him back. I head but the other one in the the stomach and throw him over my shoulder.

WF 2: Why you...

He got back up and tried to kick me, but I jumped over him and kicked him on the back of the head knocking him on the back. The other WF than tried to tackle me but I was to fast for him and elbow him in the stomach than punch him to his face knocking the last one out.

Y/N: Hey kid, are you ok

Boy: Yea.

Y/N: Good. You have a name.

Kyle: It's Kyle.

Y/N: Well Kyle. It was nice to meet you (as I glance to my watch). Oh my god. I'm late. I'll see you later.

I run to to my house. But when I got there, I saw my house up in flames.

Y/N: Mom, Dad, Ryoko!!

I run in the flames and saw mom and dad on the floor with the killer in front of the bodies, holding Ryoko by the neck. He had a mask covering half of his face with horns, a black outfit with a rose on the back and red hair.


He looks over to me and throws her to the ground.


I charged at him and tried to punch him. But he just grabbed my hand and punched me in the stomach and throw me back. I grabbed my newly completed weapons and shot at him. He grabbed his sword and blocked with it. I turned  Libra Flare to their swords and charged at him. Our swords clashed. Because of my momentum, I was able to push him backed. But he recovered quickly and slash at me. I ducked and kicked him. His sword was glowing a bright red. Shooting all the energy at me. I used my swords to block. But when I looked up he was gone. I looked back to my sister, but she was gone to. It couldn't have been him because I was fighting him the entire time.

Y/N: (crying) Ryokooo!!! Ryokoooo!!

End of flashback

Y/N: I thought you were dead. Until you showed up in the forest. But, you mentioned some queen. Who were you referring to?

Ryoko:.. I... can't remember. My mind is fuzzy. I can't remember what happened.

Ozpin: May I come in?

Y/N: Sure thing.

Ozpin: Thanks. I was listening to your story the entire time and I am truly sorry for what happened.

Y/N: It's ok. I still have Ryoko here. I'm just glad my baby sisters ok.

Ryoko: (puffing her cheeks) I'm not your baby sister!

Y/N: Relax. I was just kidding. (Patting her head)

Both me and Ryoko laughed at this.

Ozpin: Hey team Rwby? Could you leave for a min. I have to speak to these two alone?

Ruby: Sure. Come on guys.

Y/N: What do you want to talk about?

Ozpin: You're aware of what happened? Right?

Y/N: Yea. I failed the initiation. And I failed to find a partner.

Ozpin: Usually you would be expelled for failing. But I'm willing to look pass this. You went out of the way to protect your friend even if it costs you your life. And that is what being a huntsman is all about.


Ozpin: Well?

Y/N... On one condition.

Ozpin: What is it

Y/N: If my sister can stay here with me.

Ryoko: (shocked) Really?

Y/N: (grabbing her hand and looking her straight in the eyes) We just reunited. I can't lose you again.

Ozpin: How old is Ryoko?

Ryoko: I'm 14.

Ozpin:... Deal. Your sister can stay.

Y/N: Thank you so much!

Ozpin: Now that you don't have a team, you will have a choice of what team you want to be on.

Y/N: (looking at my sister, than back at Ozpin) Team Rwby.

Ozpin: Team Rwby. Huh. Well than. You could two may also participate in the events like the Vytal festival if some of the team members are willing to switch out for you. Tomorrow, you will go to their dorm. Ryoko. You may go now if you wish

Ryoko: No thanks. I'll stay with my brother. I want to catch up with him. I don't want to leave him here.

Ozpin: Very Well. Could you two stop by my office around 7:00 tomorrow.

Y/N: Sure.

Ozpin: Goodnight.

Ryoko and Y/N: Goodnight.

Me and Ryoko catches up with each other until nightfall and that Ryoko called her weapon Capricorn Flame because my weapon was was also based off a constellation so they resembled each other.
End of this chapter
The song at the beginning is how Y/N is feeling after the lost of his family

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