Akuma's Appearance

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I was slowly regaining consciousness as my vision returned.

Ruby: You're awake!

Y/N: Hey, Ruby.

Jaune: What caused you to go unconscious?

Y/N: Perhaps making a dragon that big wasn't the best idea. But Mom and I did take down father and killed him.

Ryoko: Speaking of that, I thought Mother was our enemy.

Reiko: If we kill Akuma in time, Mom won't turn out like father did.

Ryoko: But we saw how strong Akuma is! Sumi and Yomi had the same powers me and my brother does and they couldn't win. What if all this is pointless?

Y/N: Don't day that, Ryoko. Anything could be defeated. Even Salem and Akuma.

Ryoko: You really think so?

Y/N: I know so.

Yang: Anyone have a plan?

Reiko: I don't think he'll show himself if there are people still willing to fight for him.

Suddenly we felt the ground rumble.

Ren: Do you guys... feel that?

Suddenly an explosion erupted not far from where we were.I saw a shadowy figure through the lava.

Y/N: It... can't be.

Akuma: It's time to prove that the darkness is superior!

Cinder: Whatever you say.

Blake: Don't tell me...

Nora: There's... the rest of the enemies.

Kitsune: I'm scared.

Y/N: Kitsune, stay back!

I tried to run towards them, but the pain I got from battling Dad was to much for me to handle and I fell down.

Winter: Don't strain yourself, Y/N.

Mom: Well, that's bad. I don't think all of us together can take on all of them.

Neo was about to kick me until Ruby blocked it.

Ruby: Don't... touch... him!

Ruby pushed her back.

Mercury: This is gonna be easy. Their most capable fighter can't even stand.

Hazel went towards Blake and Weiss and tried to hit them only to be dodged. Weiss slashed at him, but he blocked it. Blake pushes him back by ramming towards him.

Cinder: You are a traitor, Akaya. I'm gonna lead you to yours death.

She charged towards Mom with a fire sword toward her, but Winter and Ana went in front of her and slashed at her the three of them in a stalemate.

Cinder: You fools! Get out of my way!

Ana: No can do. You're fighting all of us.

Ana kicked her back, then Winter went for a slash only to be knocked back by Cinder. Emerald and Mercury attacked Team JNR and attacked them hitting Jaune and Nora back, but Ren held his ground and slashed at them.

Reiko: Ryoko! Yang! Stay near Y/N and Kitsune! Don't let anything happen. I'll help Ruby with this little ice cream girl.

Yang: Right!

Reiko ran towards Neo and Ruby and hit Neo away from Ruby.

Qrow: Well, everyone is busy. *looks at Akuma* I'll fight you.

Qrow rushes towards him.

Y/N: Wait, Qrow! You won't win! He's too strong to be taken on solo!

Qrow didn't listen and he attacked Akuma only to be knocked back by an unknown force.

Ruby: Uncle!

Reiko: Go! I got this!

Ruby went as she said and swung her scythe at Akuma but she just got knocked by the same force as Qrow.

Akuma: Idiots! You're not strong enough to hit me. This little girl must be your love interest. It'll be a shame to... kill her.

Y/N: Don't... lay... a finger... on... her!

Ruby was about to get attacked. Suddenly, I felt rage in my body. My body glowed F/C and I rushed towards Akuma and kicked him back and then slashed him with all my power.

Y/N: Ruby, get back.

Ruby: But––

Y/N: No buts! Akuma is too strong! He'll kill you as soon as he gets the chance.

Reiko was overpowering Neo, but Neo kicked her and pushed her back. Cinder pushed away Winter and Mom as Ana tried to slash her, Cinder impaled her as Ana stopped the attack from the pain. She coughed Blood as the blood was coming out of her mouth. Cinder took out the sword from Ana's stomach and Ana fell to her knees, then fell down completely.

Y/N: Ana!!!

Mom slashed at her knocking her back. Cinder slashed at her, but a Winter blocked it.

Mom: Ana? Ana? She's... not breathing.

Y/N: No... My best... friend was... killed.

Mom: I'm sorry. Tch. I'm not gonna let you get away with this Cinder. You killed my son's best friend!

Akuma: Why are you looking that way? Your battle is right here!

Akuma punched me back near Ryoko, Yang, and Kitsune.

Kitsune: Dad!

Y/N: I'm... fine.

Akuma charged toward me, but Yang got in front of me and Slammed her fist with his.

Akuma: This can't be! The only one who should be able to handle my power are the descendants from Yomi and Sumi.

Yang: It seems... I am an exception that rule.

Akuma: Damn you!

???: Hey, Y/N? You need to hurry up and do it. It's the only way.

Y/N: Huh? Who's there?

???: It's the only way. Hurry!

Y/N:... Ryoko! Yang! Keep him busy. I have an idea.

Yang: No problem. Just... don't take too long. I don't know how much longer I can keep up with him.

Reiko elbowed Neo and tased her with the staff. But Neo didn't budge and knocked her back with the umbrella. Team JNR was handling Emerald and Mercury thanks to their numbers. Hazel was able to stand against Weiss and Blake. And Cinder was handling herself against Winter and Mother.

I started to set my hand on the ground and a silver circle surrounded me. And a powerful surge of energy went through me. Akuma noticed what I was doing and his eyes went wide.

Akuma: No, you don't!

Akuma got past Yang and charged at me, but Ryoko tackled him which stopped him.

Ryoko: You won't... go near him.

Suddenly I felt a large jolt of pain through my body.

Y/N: Almost... there.

All the battling was stopped when The circle I was in blew up. When the smoke cleared we saw a figure standing in front of me.

Akuma: No...

???: *yawns* It's been a while since I was able to move freely.

He looked at Akuma and unsheathe his sword.

I noticed his face and that mythical sword. The one that was said would be the one who was destined to defeat Akuma.

Y/N: That sword, your... Yomi.

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