The Next Step

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Ruby: Haven's a long way to go.

I looked around confused.

Y/N: Where's Ren and Nora, Jaune?

Jaune: We got separated during Beacon's fall. I don't know where they are.

Y/N: That sucks.

As we were about to set off on our journey, I heard a voice.

Kitsune: Y-You're leaving?

I turn to see Kitsune.

Y/N: I... yes, we are.

Kitsune: Could I go to?

I look back at everyone, then turned back around.

Y/N: I'm sorry, Kitsune. But this journey isn't a safe one. I don't think a kid is cut out for it.

Kitsune: But- But, y-you are...

I see Kitsune about to tear up and I couldn't stand to see her like this.

Y/N: (sigh) Fine, you can come. But if you do, stay out of trouble and stay close to us.

Kitsune: (smiling) Yay!

Y/N: Get packed and then we'll go.

Kitsune: Ok.

She runs inside to get her belongings.

Ryoko: Are you sure it's a good idea to let her come? Sure, she survived on the streets alone for a while, but this is different.

Y/N: Being alone on the streets have most likely sharpened her skill. Give her a chance.

She came back out with a backpack. Then are team consisting of Ruby, Ryoko, Jaune, Kitsune, and I. We then start our journey

Time-skip to a forest.

Jaune: I still can't believe your true eye color is silver. I always thought it was E/C.

Y/N: I was always afraid of this power. But Ruby encouraged me to not hide it any longer. My mother had silver eyes and I guess I inherited the trait.

Ryoko: While I inherited my dads blue eyes.

We then were approached by a civilian.

???: Excuse me, but are you guys by any chance be Huntsman and Huntresses?

Y/N: Um... Yea. Could I ask who you are?

Mayor: Oh sorry for my rudeness. I'm the mayor of this city. The reason I ask if you're Huntsman and Huntresses is because there is this Grimm attacking the town and I want to ask you if by any chance get rid of it?

I exchanged looks with the team, then turned back to him.

Y/N: We'll do it.

Mayor: thank you.

Time-skip to nearby forest.

We were walking around looking for the Grimm.

Y/N: Now that I think about it, we never asked what Grimm was terrorizing the town.

Ryoko: I'm sure we'll know when we see it.

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