Lesson learned

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I am walking around the kingdom Vale trying to find something fun to do since I have time before I have my doubles battle with Yang.

???1: Hey come back here, brat!

I saw 2 thugs chasing a little girl. The girls had long blue hair. Just a bit darker then Ryoko. A tan shir, white skirt, and black sneakers. I decided to intervene. I can't let this girl get hurt. So I ran up to them. Then the girl ran behind my leg.

???2: Hey what are you doing? That girls a thief.

I looked back at her who was scared for her life.

Little girl: Please, don't let them get me!

I looked back at them.

Y/N: You're the thief here. She's just a kid.

???1: Who are you anyway?

Y/N: Just a huntsman-in-training.

???2 Huntsman?! You don't look like much.

Y/N: Maybe you should try your luck against me before you decide that.

They were getting ready to fight.

Y/N: Hey, get back kid. I won't take long.

They charged at me.

Y/N: I won't even need my weapons against you!

I elbowed on in the stomach, the other one tried to hit me, but I ducked and delivered a powerful kick to his jaw shattering it. The other one tried to grab me, but I jumped and hit him with a sledgehammer knocking him down. I picked her up by his shirt collar.

Y/N: Don't ever try that again!

Thug1: Who... are you? (saying that with fear in his eyes)

I elbowed him straight on the head knocking him out and then I threw him to the ground.

Y/N: You're worst enemy if you ever try that again.

Running to the kid.

Y/N: Are you ok? (Kneeling down)

Girl: Yea. Thank you.

Y/N: You have a name?

Girl: K-kitsune.

Y/N: Where do you live? I'll take you there.

Kitsune:... I... don't have a place to live.

Y/N: What?

Kitsune: I... don't have a place to go.

Y/N: I see. (Rubbing my chin) I have an idea. Come with me.

Kitsune: Where are you taking me?

Y/N: I can't leave you here by yourself. I have an idea. By the way, how old are you?

She was hesitant, but came with me.

Kitsune: I-I'm 8.

Time-skip to Beacon

We were in the elevator on the way Ozpin's office. Kitsune looks very nervous. And honestly, I don't blame her. We walked out of the elevator.

Rwby (ruby x reader)Where stories live. Discover now