No brakes

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When we got down the hideout for the WF we had WF members all around us. Around 30.

Y/N: You all choose a group to fight against. Since there is 30 of them, we each take on 5.

Team WBY, Ryoko, Oobleck, and I begun fighting the WF members. 1 of them shot at me, but I knocked it backed with my swords and knocked him away. 2 more tried to punch me but I ducked and kicked 1 and stabbed the other 1. Then I turned my Libra Flare to their guns and shot him. The last 2 fired at me, but I backflipped out of the way and shot them. Just in time the others finished their battles.

Y/N: (sheathed my Libra Flare) That takes care of them. Let's move up ahead. We ran up ahead to a big metal door and some WF members in front of it. Yang, do it!

Yang: Right!

Yang fires her ember cilica blasting the door and the WF members.

Y/N: Great job Yang! Ryoko! Cover!

Ryoko: Got ya!

Ryoko then got up here Capricorn Flame in her swords slashing at WF 1 and the other one tried to shoot her, but she just kept running and knocked all the bullets away with her swords and when she got close enough she kicked the last WF member in the head knocking him out

Y/N: Good! That bought them time! Blake, Weiss, checkmate!

As I said that they both shot fire Dust at the last of the WF members

Y/N: All the WF are done with.

More WF members were we on the other side of the door. The we're running away from us.

WF member: Run!

We turned a corner and saw Roman and Ruby.

Ruby jumped on Romans head pushing his hat down so he couldn't see. Ruby then ran away and got to us.

Roman: Somebody kill them!

They all were shooting at her.

Y/N: Make a barrier with your ice!

Ryoko: Right!

Ryoko made a barrier that is just strong enough until Ruby got to us. Roman bent his cane out of frustration.

Roman: Attach this car, and spread the word. We're starting the train.

WF member: But we're not finished.

Roman points his cane up to the WF members chin.

Roman: Do it, or your finished! (Lets him down)

4 WF members got in front of Ruby and was about to shoot Ruby, but Ryoko and I shot 2 each allowing Ruby to get to us.

Yang: Ruby! (Hugs Ruby)

Weiss: Are you ok?

Ruby: I'm fine! I'm fine! But listen... Torchwick's got all sorts of weapons and robots down there.

Blake: What?

Ruby: Androids, mechs-they're all loaded up on the train cars.

Oobleck: Ah, that's ridiculous! These tunnels are sealed. The tracks lead to a dead end.

WF member: (on intercom) Get to your places, we are leaving now!

The train starts moving.

Yang: Well, it sounds like they're going some where.

Ruby: We need backup!

Ruby: Let me call Jaune.

The scroll says no signal.

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