The shining beacon part 1

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I was walking the bullhead when I saw the guy throwing up in the trash can so I decided to check on him.

Y/N: Hey, are you ok.

???: Yeah, just a little motion sickness.

Y/N: Well my names Y/N. What's yours.

Jaune: The names Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls of the tongue, ladies love it.

Y/N: Do they?

Jaune: They will, Just wait.

We than heard an explosion coming from the front of the school.

Y/N: We should go check that out.

Ruby POV

???: This is exactly the thing I was talking about.

Ruby: I'm really, really sorry.

???: What are you even doing here aren't you a little young to be attending beacon.

Ruby: I-I

???: This isn't your ordinary combat school. It's not just sparring and practicing you know, we're here to fight monsters so watch where your going.

Ruby: I said I was sorry princess.

???: It's heiress actually. (As she picks up the bottle of dust)

A black haired woman wearing black and white clothing with a black bow.

???: Weiss schnee, heiress to the schnee dust company. One of the largest producers of energy propellants of the world.

Weiss: Finally some recognition.

???: The Same company infamous for your controversial labor forces and questionable business partners.

Weiss: Wha- how dare you. (As she snatched the bottle and leaves)

Ruby: I promise I'll make it up to you. Turns around to face the woman). So what ar...

The woman leaves before Ruby could say anything

Ruby: (lays on the ground) welcome to beacon.

As she lays there Jaune and Y/N walks up to her.

Y/N: Need help there little miss Rose (as he holds his hand out)

Ruby:( takes hand) Yes, thank you. (Looks at Jaune) Aren't you that guy that threw up on the ship.

Time-skip Y/N POV

Jaune: I'm just saying that motion sickness is a much more common thing than people let on.

Ruby: I'm sorry but vomit boy is the first thing that came to mind.

Jaune: Oh yeah, what if I called you crater face!

Ruby: Hey, that explosion was an accident!

Jaune: Well the names Jaune Arc. Short, sweet...

Y/N: Dude, not now.

After a long silence...

Ruby: So, I have this thing(Pulls out Cresent rose)

Jaune: Woah, is that a scythe.

Ruby: It's also a customizable high impact sniper-rifle.

Jaune: A wha.

Y/N: It means it's a gun Jaune.

Jaune: Oh

Ruby: What do you guys have.

Y/N: Well, you saw mine( pulls out the two guns) It's called Libra flare. Two guns that turn into duel swords.

Ruby: WOW. THAT IS AWSOME. What about you Jaune.

Jaune: Well, I have this sword.

Ruby: ooh.

Jaune: And I have this sword to.

Ruby: What do they do.

Jaune: Well, the sword gets smaller, so when I get tired of carrying it, I can just put it away.

Y/N: But wouldn't it still weigh the same.

Jaune: (sadly) Yea, It does.

Ruby: Well, I'm kind of a dork when it comes to weapons. I guess I did went a little overboard in designing it.

Jaune: Wait, you made that.

Ruby: Of course. All students at signal forged there own weapons. Didn't you make yours.

Jaune: It's a hand me down. My great grandfather used to use it to fight in the war.

Y/N: It sounds like a family heirloom to me.

Ruby: Well, I like it. Not many people have appreciation for the classics these days.

Jaune: Yea, the classics.

Ruby: So, why did u help me out back there, in the court yard

Y/N: Why wouldn't I. Your my friend Ruby.

Ruby(blushes) really.

Y/N: Of course.

Ruby: Hey, where are we going.

Jaune: I don't know, I was following you. You think there might be a directory. Some kind of landmark like a food court.

Ruby: Hehe.

Jaune: Is that a no.

Ruby: That's a no.

Y/N: I believe we have to go to the auditorium.

End of chapter 2

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