Y/N vs Akio

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I charged at father as he charged at me. Our blades clashed creating a gust of wind around us. He pushed back on the blades pushing me back. I jumped back to get out of range to transform my swords into guns and shot 3 bullets at him. Blocking 2, but getting hit by the last one.

Y/N: When we fought at Beacon, you called me a defenseless little boy and I'M GONNA PROVE YOU WRONG!

I transformed my guns back to their swords and ran at him. He used his Semblance Twin allowing him to summon a twin of himself.

Winter: What?! If Y/N could barely handle one, how could he handle two?

Both of them charged at me, but I jumped over them and kicked the twin back and tried to stab the real one only for it to be blocked. He kicked me in the stomach knocking me back. The twin showed up behind me and tried to stab me. I turned around and kicked the blade out of his hand and elbowed him hard in the face knocking him back only for Dad to slash at me connecting hitting my stomach. They both rush towards me again but this time they both got blocked by two katanas. My mother stood there blocking both attacks. Her yellow ponytail flowing in the wind.

Mom: 2 on 1? That's unfair don't you think?

Dad: Akaya? What are you doing? Your on Salem's side.

Her pale skin appearing before disappearing again.

Akaya: I might not be able to stay myself for too much longer. I will help Y/N the best I can. By helping him take you on!

Dad: You traitor!

Mom: *helping me up* Ready to fight?

Y/N: Yeah!

Y/N & Mom: Lets do this!

We rushed at Dad and his twin slashing at each other. I hit Dad with the butt of the sword and spinned kicked him back. Mom rushed at the twin her katanas over powering him. Mom kicked him back before rushing towards him and slashed at him making him fly back. Dad charged at her only to get blocked and kicked back getting him in position to hit him with my blade.

Mom: I was always the stronger one, Akio. You simply can't win.

Dad: Even if I die here, there are more enemies to defeat.

I used my Semblance to engulf my blades in flames and charged at Dad which he dodged and shot a arrow at me which I cut in half and continued my assault. I was able to knock him back, but as I did that he successfully kicked me in the gut. The twin tried to hit me, but Mom got in the way and kicked him back. The twin attacked her once more this time connecting the attack on her. Mom and I were back to back.

Y/N: How are you holding up?

Mom: I'm doing fine. Just a scratch. You are getting sloppy. You can do better.

Y/N: Sloppy, huh? Allow me to prove you wrong.

I charged at father again as Mom charged at the twin. We hit our target, but they both blocked it and slashed at us knocking us back.

Y/N: Mom? If I'm not mistaken, your Semblance is copycat, right?

Mom: Your correct. I could copy any Semblance by just seeing it in action.

Y/N: Great! I got an idea. If you could copy my Semblance, then we could blast and possibly kill them in one attack. I used to always use my Semblance to form a fire dragon. If we do that, we could win.

Mom: Let's give it a shot.

We charged up two fire dragons. The two dragons soared in the air and went down right behind us.

Y/N: Three!

Mom: Two!

Y/N & Mom: One! Fired!

The two dragons was rushing to Dad and the twin. They tried to fight off the dragons power, but it failed and the dragons made a powerful explosion. When the dust cleared, the twin dispersed into smoke and Dad was laying there horribly injured.

Mom: Finish it off, Y/N.

Y/N: Right!

I slowly walked towards him into I got right in front of him.

Y/N: This is convenient, father. At Beacon, I was in your shoes, laying there unable to fight back. *sigh* It's over.

I slashed at him killing him right where he laid. I fell to my knees as Mom, Winter, and Reiko ran to me.

Reiko: Are you okay?

Y/N: I'm fine. Just a little tired is all.

Winter: No one could blame you. After the stunt you pulled.

Reiko looked towards mother.

Reiko: Mom... *tears falling* Your back!

Reiko hugged her tightly as she hugged back.

Reiko: I-I thought I'd n-never see y-you again.

Mom: I'm her now. I love you, Reiko.

Reiko: I-I love y-you too.

Winter helped me up since I was exhausted.

Y/N: T-thanks.

Winter: Don't mention it.

Y/N: Let's take a break, guys. I'm tired after that.

Mom: Good idea.

As we rested up, we decided to talk strategy to defeat Salem and Akuma.

Mom: Going again Salem is good with me around since I know these parts.

Reiko: I'm just glad you showed up when you did, who knows what would've happened if you didn't show up.

Y/N: Yeah, I was lucky you blocked that attac-

???: Y/N!

Y/N: Huh?

I saw Ryoko and everyone else running towards me.

Y/N: What?! They followed us!

Ryoko got to me and slapped me across the face making me fall down.

Y/N: Ow! What the hell, Ryoko?! 

Ryoko: You deserved it for leaving like that!

Y/N: Well, you didn't have to slap me that hard. I just got through a battle with father and won.

Ryoko: Hmph. You guys alone can't do it. Not just Winter, Reiko, you, and... MOM?!

Mom: Nice to see you again, Ryoko.

Ruby: Y/N!

Ruby ran as fast as she can and tackled me into a hug.

Y/N: Ow! Ow! Too hard, Ruby!

Ruby: Oh, sorry. But...But why leave? After all we've been through as a team.

Y/N: I didn't want to put you in danger, which is why I left with Reiko and Winter. This is my fight-

Ruby: No it's not! It's all of ours. You can't defeat Salem alone. Or Akuma. Or-or-

I hugged Ruby to make her stopped talking.

Y/N: I didn't want you to get hurt, Ruby.

Ana: What you did was absolutely foolish, Y/N.

Y/N: Does anyone have anything good to say?!

There was complete silence until Qrow spoke up.

Qrow: You handled more than most out there, Y/N. And yet you're still ready to take in more. You are indeed a true Huntsman.

Y/N: Heh. Ok... then...

I slowly closed my eyes before losing consciousness.
End of chapter

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