A Long Journey's End

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We walked a long way, but now we stand in front of the castle of Salem. All of the Grimm are running towards us.

Y/N: Salem was prepared.

Raven: Y/N! You, Ruby, Ryoko, and Winter should go on. The 4 of us will hold them off. We'll catch up as soon as we kill all of these monsters!

I looked at all of them then turned to Raven.

Y/N: Right!

We ran forward as the Grimm tried to attack us, but Ana swung her scythe giving us an opening to run pass. We got to Salem at the top of the castle.

Salem: You really are a fool, Y/N. Rebelling against me is the worst mistake of your life.

I looked around to and I saw where the remaining members of our team are. They're in cell behind Salem, but they were so beaten to move.

Ruby: So we aren't too late. We could still save them.

Y/N: Salem. You're our final enemy standing in the way of world peace.

Salem: Funny. You're my final enemy of world destruction.

We stared at each other for a few moments before we decided to make our first move.

Y/N: Go!

Winter ran towards her and Ryoko followed close behind. Winter jumped letting Ryoko come in for a close attack. Ryoko held up here palm and blasted Ryoko with all her power. That's when Winter charged a powerful ice beam from above and shot it at her. When the smoke cleared we saw her holding up her hand.

Y/N: It didn't do anything! Red Capricorn!

Ruby sped towards Salem and slashed at her and at the same time Ryoko kicked her across the room and Ruby slashed her out the window and to the ground. She stood up like it didn't hurt her.

Y/N: Libra Freeze.

Winter and I jumped down to where Salem was as the others made there way down to. Winter threw ice shards at her, but she fired a green beam towards us destroying the shards and aiming for us. That's when Ryoko got in front of us and created a purple barrier blocking her. I got to the front and slashed at her with Yomi's sword, but she was ready. When I slashed at her, I was stopped by her hand and I was thrown behind Ryoko and Winter.

Raven POV

I slashed the last Grimm standing.

Raven: That's the last of them. Let's go to Y/N and the others.

Reiko: Yeah.

We ran to the top of the castle, but no one was there. We saw a cell with some of Y/N's friends.

Reiko: Blake! Qrow! Jaune! Mom!

Raven: Pry open the gate, Reiko! I see where everyone is. Yang! You're with me! Ana and Reiko! Pry open the cell's gate.

Reiko: Right!

Yang and I got to where the others were. Salem was about to shoot a couple of orbs at Y/N, but I got in the way and cut all the orbs in half.

Y/N: Raven!

Raven: Don't go thanking me. This battle isn't over yet!

Y/N: I know. I always knew Salem would be our most dangerous opponent.

Salem: C'mon, Ryoko. You don't belong over there. You belong over here with me.

Ryoko: That won't work on me, Salem! You won't be able to brainwash me again.

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