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Reiko and I were talking while we let Winter rest up after what just happened.

Reiko: Well, Adam and Tyrian is gone. How many are left?

Y/N: Um... There's Hazel, Emerald, Mercury, Akuma, and Salem. So 5.

???: You forgot us.

Y/N: Huh?!

The people standing there was none other then Cinder and Neo.

Y/N: Cinder?! Raven defeated you. And Ruby and Ryoko defeated you, Neo!

Reiko: We're gonna have to fight, aren't we?

Cinder: But that would be no fun. At Haven you couldn't even keep up with me, Y/N.

Y/N: I'm different. I'm stronger and faster than last time.

Cinder: Our battle will come soon. Just not right now.

Reiko: If you're so sure you could beat us, why not fight now.

Cinder: You'll see I'm due time. Let's go, Neo.

They left and as soon as they did, I fell to my knees.

Reiko: Are you okay?

Y/N: I'm fine.

Winter: I might know. Cinder is a powerful opponent. It could be that she strikes fear into Y/N.

Reiko: Huh? Is that true?

Y/N: When we fought at Haven, she was so much more powerful than me. I was sure to lose if Ruby's eyes didn't activate. I think Winter might be right.

Reiko: But you're not alone, now. You have us.

Y/N: Thanks, Reiko.

Reiko: When we see her, we'll fight together.

Y/N: Right!

Winter: Let's move on. I'm okay to walk, now.

Reiko: If you say you're okay, then we'll move forward again.

Ryoko POV

Ryoko: How long have we been walking for?

Weiss: There's no way of knowing. But we can't think about that if you're brother and sister and my sister is gone.

Yang: What are they thinking trying to take on Akuma and Salem alone?

Ryoko: But the legend says that it's both of our battles. Not just, Y/N.

I clenched my necklace that I got from Y/N a while back.

Ryoko: I will find you. When I was gone, Y/N searched for me without rest.

Blake: I think they only left without us, so we won't put ourselves at risk.

Ruby: But we're Huntsman and Huntresses to. It's our job to protect the world.

Ana: I know, Y/N. He's always the type of person who puts himself in front of others.

Ruby: But––

Qrow: Y/N left for your own good. I bet all the time he's been gone, you never left his mind.

Ryoko: Y/N... lost a lot of people and friends. He's afraid to lose more. It's been so long since I've seen my birth parents' face, I don't even remember what they look like. But, Y/N, he knows perfectly clear what they look like. He never forgot. He's afraid that he'll lose me, you, all of u- Everyone get back!

Everyone listened to my warning as an explosion occurred right in front us.

Cinder: And I was so close too.

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