Round 1

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I couldn't sleep after the dream, so I got dressed and went to the roof.

Y/N:(mind) I... have to kill them.

Pyrrha: What are you doing up so late?

Y/N: Oh, hey Pyrrha. Couldn't sleep.

Pyrrha: I feel that you're stressed.

Y/N: It's just... a dream I had. But I'll tell you what it is later. For now I just need sometime to myself.

Pyrrha: Oh, well goodnight Y/N. And, you know if there's any problem, you can talk to me. You know that, right?

Y/N: Yea, I do. Thank you, and goodnight.

I walked back to the dorm to try and get some rest. But when I walked in the entire team was awake.

Y/N: Oh, uh Hey-Hey everyone.

Ryoko: Where did you go?

Y/N: I just needed some air. It's alright guys.

Blake: Come on. Tell us what's wrong. We want to help you.

Y/N: I'm fine honest.

Weiss: Please, Tell us.

Y/N: Ugh, (smiles) Fine, you win.

So I told them my dream and everyone seemed shock, especially Ryoko.

Ryoko: I can't believe it. Did father really say that we're we're among the Grimm?

Y/N: Yea.

Ruby: Don't worry Y/N. If there's ever trouble, we'll all be with you.

Y/N: Thank you.

Yang: Well, all the bizarre events aside, Ruby has finally picked the team for the 1st round.

Ruby: Yea, Blake said that she doesn't mind switching out for you Y/N.

Yang: Yea, and I'll switch out so Ryoko could join in.

Ruby: The Team is Weiss, Ryoko, Y/N, and me.

Y/N: Ok, let's do this! But, right now, let's get some sleep. We need it.

Time-skip to the arena the next morning.

We were fighting against team ABRN. Ryoko was battling Arslan, and fighting Reese. We were back to back and Ryoko use Capricorn Flame to battle shoot at Arslan as I did Reese they were avoiding

Port: O-HO! It seems we have another astonishing bout ahead of us! Wouldn't you agree, Professor?

Oobleck: Doctor. And yes, Peter, I think it's safe to say: this match may be one of the closest we've seen in the 4-and-4 round of the tournament!

Port: For those of you just now joining us, Welcome to the Vytal Festival Tournament! Broadcast live from the Amity Coliseum! If this is your first time watching, allow us to break down the rules.

Oobleck: The tournament is divided into three distinctive rounds. Teams, doubles, and singles. Age and school year are irrelevant. In this tournament, the only attribute being tested... is skill.

Port: Correct! The winners of this battle will elect 2 of their members to represent them in the doubles round. Followed by the winners of that round choosing one member to advance once again! The remaining combatants will then fight their way through the final bracket in the hope of achieving victory for their kingdom!

Oobleck: And yes, Peter, these certainly are some spectacular spectacles on which to spectate on. And I don't think anyone tuning in around the world is going to disagree with me on that.

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