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Ren and Oscar/Ozpin is fighting Hazel, Ruby and Yang are fighting Emerald and Mercury, Nora and Ana are fighting my parents, and Weiss and I are covering Jaune, Ryoko, and Kitsune. Ana charged at mother and their weapons clashed. They seemed to be even. Nora smacked father with her hammer. Ana kicked mother back.

Ana: These guys are tough, Nora. Be on your guard.

Nora: Right!

Father rushed at her, but Ana jumped up and threw her chain at him making him drop his weapon.

Ana: Now!

Nora ran towards him and hit him across the building.

Ana: Without your weapon, you can't do anything. *picks up his sword and snapped it in half*

Dad: NO!

Mom slashed at me, tearing her hood, but missing her. Ana swung at her, missing and mom swung at her. Ana slashed again slamming their weapons against each other blowing them both away.

Ana/Mom: Damn it all!

Nora: Are you ok?!

Ana: Yeah. She seems to be more capable then I thought though.

Ruby charged towards Mercury and Yang charged at Yang. Mercury kicked Ruby's weapon out of her hand.

Mercury: Uh oh, what're you gonna do now?

Mercury went for a punch, but Ruby ducked and head but Mercury making him stumble back.

Ruby: *picks up Crescent Rose* Whatever it takes to shut you up.

Y/N: Is everything going to be fine, Jaune?

Jaune: I-I think so. She's coming to. I just wish this would go faster.

Y/N: How bout just be thankful you unlocked your Semblance when you did.

Jaune: My Semblance?

Weiss: How else would you be healing her?

Jaune: No. I don't think I'm healing her. Our Aura heals our bodies. It feels... it feels more like I'm using my Aura to amplify hers.

Weiss: Wait, aren't you worried about running out?

Jaune: Y/N, you told me I had a lot of it when you helped me unlocked my Aura.

Y/N: I did. Back in the Emerald forest.

Suddenly Ryoko suddenly opened her eyes.

Ryoko: Jaune?

Ren got slammed into the wall and got electrocuted.

Nora: Ren!

Ana: Go help him! I could handle her!

Nora: Right! Thanks.

Ryoko looks around to see me.

Ryoko: Y/N... what's happening?

Y/N: Yo took a heavy hit, you need to stay here while the others fight.

Ryoko: That's... annoying.

Y/N: I'm just glad you're alive, Ryoko.

Qrow was knocked into the same wall Ren was and fell next to him while Ozpin is still fighting. Lionheart shot two fire balls at him, but he knocked them away only for Hazel to hit him away causing him to fall.

Hazel: Hiding behind a face of a child? A monster like you must be stopped!

Nora ran towards him trying to hit him with a hammer, but he grabbed it causing Nora to lose grip and falls. Nora was picked up by the head, and she was getting electrocuted.

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