Y/N and Ryoko?vs Salem-The Final Battle

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I was looking up at Salem with Anger filled eyes as tears was flowing out of them as my eyes glowed Silver and Yomi's sword flowed Yellow.


I ran at Salem with sword in hand and I slashed at her, she tried to block it, but as soon as my sword connected with Salem's hand. She flew back with a lot of force. She looked injured from the attack.

Salem: P-pain? How is that possible?

Ryoko: Huh?

Jaune: What's-What's happening?

Ryoko: Because of the pain of losing someone Y/N loves, his anger is powering up his power ten fold! Remember that Ruby wasn't his first love. He lost Pyrrha at Beacon.

Y/N: C'mon, Salem! You have Two of the Four Maiden powers! You're gonna need to use them!

Salem: Fine! You asked for it!

Salem shot an ice beam with one hand and a fire beam with the other. I blocked them both with the sword and flung the attacks behind me where they exploded. I started towards her again.

Ryoko: With the power he has now, he could win. Although your anger is your most powerful emotion, it could be your weakest. He can't let anger control him.

I ran and slashed at her again, but she covered her hand in a black mist and strikes back. As we connected, a huge explosion surrounds us as we struggled for power. Neither of us were budging an inch.

Ryoko POV

Jaune: Aren't you going to help?

Ryoko: I would. But those two are so out my league. I'll just get in the way! But maybe I can do something.

Jaune: Huh?

Ryoko: Remember when Y/N summoned up Yomi. I might be able to summon Sumi if my hunch is correct.

Jaune: I thought you said her soul was destroyed when she gave you her magical powers.

Ryoko: But what I'm doing she won't need one.

Ryoko walked back and set her swords in front of her.

Ryoko: With these swords, I temporarily offer up this body to Sumi. I SUMMON THEE... mage master Sumi L/N!

Sumi: With my powers, I... ACCEPT!

With that over with, my body is temporarily being controlled by Sumi as she walked up to help Y/N. She started to run as she covered her hand in a purple Aura and used her hand to punched right through her.

Y/N: Ryoko!

Salem: You should know that you can't hurt me!

Ryoko/Sumi: Who said that I was trying to?

Salem: Huh?

Ryoko/Sumi: I wasn't trying to hurt you! I was aiming for this!

The Winter and Summer Maiden Powers flew out of Salem and went into my body giving me all four of the Maiden powers.

Y/N: What are you doing, Ryoko?

Ryoko/Sumi: I'm not Ryoko. I'm... Sumi. I am controlling her body for the time being.


Ryoko/Sumi: Lets not worry about that now. Let's defeat Salem.

Y/N: First though, is a mortal body able to control all four Maiden powers?

Ryoko/Sumi: I don't know. It has never been done before.

Y/N:... Let's do this!


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