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It was late at night and everyone else is asleep which allows me to prepare something special for my sister. I was holding a silver necklace that had a sapphire gem on the end of it. Just then I saw Ruby starting to wake up.

Ruby: (yawn) What are you doing up so late?

Y/N: It's nothing special. Just couldn't sleep.

Ruby notices the necklace I was working with

Ruby: What's that? (Points to necklace)

Y/N: It's for Ryoko. It's her birthday tomorrow, so when we were at the town yesterday, I bought everything I need to make this necklace for her. Tomorrow she'll be 15.

Ruby: Wow. That's so nice of you. Is that sapphire?

Y/N: Yea. Blue is her favorite color.

I start to smile. It's the first birthday since she was taken.

Ruby: When are you planning to give it to her?

Y/N: When the timing is right.


We were walking through the forest to move on to our next destination.

Ruby: So, the next town is... Uh-huh! Uh-huh... Were lost.

Jaune: Were not lost! The next town is Shion. My family used to visit it all the time.

Ruby: Oh, yeah! Don't you have, like, four sisters?

Jaune: Uh, seven.

Ruby then giggles at this.

Y/N: Explains a lot.

There was a brief pause before Jaune speeds up.

Jaune: Wait, What do you mean––

Ruby: SO, what did you guys do there?

Jaune: OH! All sorts of stuff!

He catches up to Ruby and points at the map at several different locations.

Jaune: Over here is a great hiking trail, and over here is where we went camping all the time! I got my own tent because I was special. Also, so my sisters would stop braiding my hair.

Ruby: Didn't like the look?

Jaune: Yeah, they just kept doing pigtails, but personally I think I'm more of a "Warriors Wolf Tail" kind of guy.

Ruby: That's just a ponytail.

Jaune: I stand by what I said.

Ryoko: Uh, guys?

Jaune/Ruby: What/Huh?

All that laid ahead of us was a destroyed town. We all ran to see what has happened.

Ruby: There could be survivors!

Y/N: Over here!

I ran over to someone who was barely breathing as well as everyone else.

Ruby: A Huntsman!

Jaune: What happened? Who killed all of these people?

Huntsman: (coughing) Bandits. The whole tribe... Then, with all the panic... (coughing)

Y/N: Grimm.

I started to walk a little bit more into the town.

Ruby: Alright, we can get him to the next village and try to find a doctor there.

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