Forever fall

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Ryoko POV

I was sitting in combat class, Y/N told everyone his story so my side of the deal has to be done.

Glynda: So Cardin, you may choose your opponent.

Cardin: I choose Ryoko!

Ryoko: What!? Ugh, fine, let's get this over with. (Gets up and goes to the arena)

I grabbed Capricorn Flame from my scabbard. He rushes at me with his mace, but I just sighed and tripped him with my leg.

Ryoko: You're just two slow. No wonder you couldn't even hit my brother yesterday.

Cardin: Why you!

He gets up and charges at me again. I blocked them with Capricorn Flame with no effort.

Ryoko: Not only are you slow but your weak two.

Cardin: I'll show you who's weak!

I let up a little and when he gets closer I put more effort in the struggle for power and he gets flung across the entire arena. I use ice manipulation to trapped Cardin in a iceberg, and since he can't move, I win.

Ryoko: He can't move which means I win by default, yes?

Glynda: That is correct. Now please release him.

I do as instructed.

Cardin: you'll pay.

Now we should have time for one more match. Now, how about-

Ryoko: I have a request! I want to fight her. (points at Pyrrha)

Pyrrha: Me?

Ryoko: Yes.

We get in to our fighting stance and I got my Capricorn Flame in sword mode and she gets her spear. We charge at each other and our weapons clash creating electricity between the weapons

Pyrrha: You're strong.

Ryoko: Thanks. But I haven't even got started yet.

We both jump back and I change my Capricorn Flame to their guns and shot at her. Her shield blocks them all. But when she puts her shield down I tried to get little sucker punch in. She back-flipped and turn her spear into her shot gun and tried shooting at me. I used my semblance to shield my self by making an ice wall. Then after she stopped I push the ice wall towards her. She jumped over the wall and almost got me with the spear but I jumped back and loaded my guns with fire dust and shot at her. She threw her spear at me barely missing. She than pushed me with her shield knocking me down she grabbed her spear and was about to stabbed but it never came. She holds her hand towards me.

Pyrrha: That was a great battle. You definitely have what it takes to be a true huntress.

Ryoko:(grabs her hand and she pulls me up) Thanks. I'll try my hardest. I won't disappoint.

Pyrrha: All I want from you is to try your hardest.

Time-skip to after class Y/N POV

I was waiting for my sister at the door and I saw her talking to Pyrrha.

Ryoko: Oh, hey Y/N! You must be disappointed.

Y/N: Why would I be? I never expected you to win. All I wanted was to see how you match up. You did pretty good considering the circumstances. But good job putting Cardin in his place.

Ryoko: Oh, he was no problem. I didn't even try and he was defeated.

Y/N: Yea, but don't get cocky. That leads to mistakes

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