Emerald forest part 2

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Ozpin pov

Glynda: Our last team has been formed sir. Lie ren and Nora Valkyrie. Poor boy, I can't imagine those two getting along. But, there is a problem. Y/N doesn't have a teammate.

Ozpin: That does pose a problem doesn't it.

Ruby POV

Weiss: It's definitely this way. I mean this way(walking from side to side).  Alright, it's official. We passed it.

Ruby: Why can't you admit that you have no idea where we're going.

Weiss: Because I know exactly where we're going. We're going to... the forest temple.

Ruby: Ugh.

Weiss: Oh stop it you don't know where we are either.

Ruby: Well, at least I'm not acting like I know everything.

Weiss: What is that supposed to mean.

Ruby: It mean your a big STUPID JERK and I HATE you.

Weiss: Just keep moving.

Ruby: (imitating Weiss) Oh, just keep moving, hurry up, watch where you're going. (Normal voice) Why're So bossy.

Weiss: I'm not bossy. Don't say things like that.

Ruby: Stop treating me like a kid!

Weiss: Stop acting like a kid!

Ruby: Stop acting like you're perfect.

Weiss: I'm NOT prefect. At least not yet. But I'm still leagues better than you.

Ruby: You don't even know me.

Blake pov

Yang and I have made it to the temple so we can get the artifact to pass the initiation.

Yang: Think this is it.

Blake:... (I just walked towards the temple) chess pieces. Some of them are missing.

Yang: Looks like we're not the first ones here

Blake: Well, I guess we should pick one.


We were just outside a cave that I soon found out was a bad idea.

Jaune: Think this is it.

Right before we entered the cave Jaune lit a torch.

Y/N: I don't think an artifact is in here Jaune.

Jaune: Y/N, I made the torch. Could you at least humor me for like 5 more feet?

As Jaune said this he fell and the torch went out.

Pyrrha: Do you feel that?

Jaune: Soul-crushing regret.

Pyrrha: No, it's... warm.

We than walked up to some thing bright and yellow above. And Jaune did the stupidest thing.

Jaune: It's the relic. (Tries to grab it)

It moves out of reach.

Jaune: Hey, bad relic. ( grabs it and it starts to lift up) got ya.

We than saw a death-stalker staring at us.


Yang pov

Yang:Some girls in trouble.


Me and Pyrrha ran out of the cave with the death-stalker on our tail with Jaune hanging on.

Pyrrha: Jaune, what ever you do, don't let...

The death-stalker launches Jaune.

Pyrrha: go

Y/N: Uh huh. We should get out of here

The death-stalker launches its stinger at Pyrrha.

Y/N: WATCH OUT!!( pushes her out of the way and grabbed the end of the stinger) Ugh, it's too strong. It's pushing me back.

When it was about to knock me to the ground I jumped above it. Luckily Pyrrha already moved out of the way. So I grabbed my Libra Flare and shot at it with my pistols.

Pyrrha: come on we have to go.

Y/N*sigh* Fine.

We start running in the direction that Jaune flung.

End of the chapter

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