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Reiko POV

Reiko: Well, they're about the White Fang. I want you to tell me what you know.

Ghira:... I don't understand.

Just then Kali came in with 3 cups of tea.

Reiko: I am the greatest huntress at Atlas, and they sent me to get info on the White Fang.

Ghira: Is there more to it then that?

I stayed silent after I heard it.


Ghira and Kali gave me a look.

Reiko:... Adam.

Ghira: What?

Reiko: Adam killed my parents eight years ago. I was told that I wouldn't let myself kill him. If I let the rage get the best of me, it will get in the way of my mission.


Reiko:... If you ask me, I'm probably not the best option to be sent to this island. But they did so anyways.

Kali: I'm sorry to here that.

Reiko: It's fine. I'll be lying if I said I'm over it. But if you think about it, getting info will help with my personal mission as well.

Ghira: How did you know that I was the right person to talk to?

Reiko: The info that Atlas does have said that you used to be part in the White Fang. And a tip in town helped me find where you are.

I took a sip from the tea.

Reiko: The tea's good. Thank you.

Kali: It was no problem.

Reiko: When my parents were killed, I also lost contact with my step brother and step sister. They were the nicest kids I've ever met. But enough about me, I came here to get info on the White Fang.

Ghira: Well, What I know is...

We then heard a knock on the door.

Kali got up to go answer it.

Ghira: Sorry for the inconvenience.

Reiko: It's no problem. I wasn't given a due date.

Ghira then got up and walked to the door as well.

Ghira: Kali, Who is it?

I then saw who walked into the room.

I widen my eyes in shock as did Blake.

Blake: Reiko?

Reiko: Blake? Sun?

Ghira: You two know each other?

Reiko: We met once before, fighting a serpent Grimm.

Blake: Your next mission was here?

Reiko: My mission is to find all the info I can on the White Fang.

Kali got some more tea for Sun and Blake.

Kali: We we horrified when we heard the news. The kingdom of Vale wasn't perfect, but it certainly didn't deserve what happen. (Sigh) We were both so worried.

Ghira: (chuckles) Please, I knew she'd be fine!

Kali: (scoffs) That isn't the slightest bit true. You've should of seen him pacing.

Sun: You guys have nothing to worry about. I've seen your daughter in action before! And trust me, she's got some moves!

We all gave looks towards Sun.

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