Its Brawl in the Family

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Ryoko: An "unfriendly rivalry against who?

I run towards the Atlesian ships.

Ryoko: Wait up. (Turns to JNPR) Sorry for the inconvenience. (Turns back)

Y/N: So, I was right... Winter Schnee

Ryoko: Winter SCHNEE?!

Y/N: Yea. Weiss' sister.

Just then a friend of my dads started to approach.

Y/N: Qrow!

Qrow: It's been a while kid. You've grown.

Y/N: I'm also stronger then last time.(just then Ryoko walks towards us)

Ryoko: Who's this Y/N?

Y/N: Right. Qrow do you remember Ryoko?

Qrow: I haven't seen her since she was a baby.

Y/N: This is Qrow, Ryoko. A friend who has helped me when our parents were... killed.

I saw Winter and Weiss walking around with Atlesian robots. I bring out Libra Flare and shot them beheading them and going right past Winter surprising her a bit.

Y/N: Long time no see. I'm talking to you Ice queen.

More robots approached me But Winter stops them.

Winter: Halt!

Weiss: (walks up to me) Excuse me, do you have any idea who you're talking to?

Y/N: (pushes her out of the way) Not you princess.

Weiss: Hey!

Y/N: ( Points to Winter) You.

Qrow: Saw that gaudy ship of yours. I guess you're here to.

Winter: I'm standing right before you.

Qrow: So it would seem.

Y/N: Are you drunk, Qrow?

Qrow: Maybe.

Winter: And you Y/N. You're one of the reasons I came here.

Weiss: Wait, you know Y/N

Y/N: You specialist aren't that special Winter. You're sellouts. Just like your boss.

Winter: I've heard enough out of you!

Ryoko: Y/N, tell me what's going on. Don't keep your sister in the dark.

Winter: You have a sister as well. Where was she when I met you?

Y/N: That's none of your concern.

After a brief pause

Y/N: I heard the General turned his back on the Headmaster.

Weiss: Headmaster Ozpin.

Winter: Weiss, it's time for you to go.

Weiss: What?

Y/N: Listen to big sister, Weiss. She'll protect you. Just like Atlas is going to protect us all.

Winter: You hold your tongue! (Pulls our her weapon)

Y/N: Stand back Ryoko. Things could get messy. I'll tell you what's going on later.

I then gesture Winter to come attack me. She charges toward me, and slash at me to the left, then right, and overhead, but misses them all. I bring out Libra Flare in their swords and this time our weapons clashed struggling for power. When it looked like winter was getting the upper hand, I pulled back and dodged her sword. I went to slash at her with one of the swords, but she blocked it. I went for 7 more, but she dodged them and one more making our swords clash.

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