Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Backward

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Reiko POV

Blake and I were chasing the White Fang spy that we saw on the balcony. We were jumping from tree to tree. She stopped as we did. But gasp when she looked overhead. Sun jumped over the tree she was on.

Sun: Gotcha!

Sun almost caught her, but she kept jumping on trees and avoided Sun.

Sun: Hey, wait up!

Reiko: Don't let her out of your sight!

We saw the city on the other side of her which we got to and jumped on the building. We kept doing so until the spy stopped. Her skin changed color almost like... a CHAMELEON! She pointed her weapons towards us.

Blake: Why are you watching us?

Sun jumped on the building on the other side of her.

Sun: Give it up! I'm not hitting a girl, you kn-

She extended her weapon trying to hit Sun barely missing. I jumped at her kicking her scroll out of her hand. We started to engage in battle with me throwing a punch, but she dodged. And tried to kick me. I blocked in punch her square in the face. Sun then tackled her pinning her to the ground.

Sun: Grab the scroll!!

Blake grabbed the scroll as she was told.

The spy tried to get Sun off her.

Sun; Seems someone thinks it's important!

Spy: Get OFF!

The spy head butts him getting him off and ran towards the scroll that Blake was running after, but I got in front of her and elbowed her in the stomach and kicked her in the face breaking the mask revealing half of her face.

Reiko: Don't just stand there, Blake. Go get the scroll!

She was about to extend her weapon towards Blake.

Reiko: Blake, watch out!

Then her entire mask broke off, revealing a face that Blake knows.

Blake: Ilia.

Sun: Wait, you know her?!

Reiko: She doesn't look like a f- aagh!

She electrocuted me with her weapon leaving me on the ground in brutal condition.

Blake: Reiko!

Ilia: Give it to me.

Her skin turning red.

Blake: No.

Her skin turning green

Ilia: You shouldn't have come back.

She walks back and she makes smoke disappearing.

Blake: Reiko!

Sun and Blake over to me.

Blake: Reiko! No, no, no, no, not again, please!

Sun: This is bad. She's in critical condition!

Blake: Help! Somebody! Hold on, Reiko. Just hold on.

I then black out. I then saw my old burned weapon. I then see a younger me at the age of ten standing in front of me, staring at the burned down house obviously terrified and sad at what happened. She then dropped to her knees, tearing up.

Young Reiko: W-Why?! Why?! Why d-did this have to h-happen.

Adam: So, another kid is still alive.

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