The shining beacon part 2

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Ruby, Jaune, and I walked to the auditorium to get to Ozpin speech.

???: Hey Ruby, here, I saved you a spot

Ruby: Oh that's my sister. I got to go. See you later.

Y/N: Ok. See you later. Well Jaune let's find a spot for ourselves.

Ruby POV

Yang: So who was that cute boy you were walking.(nudging Ruby with her elbow)

Ruby:(Blushing) It wasn't like that. He's just a friend.

Yang: Uh-huh. Well, anywaaays how is your day.

Ruby: Oh, you mean since you ditched and I exploded!

Yang: Yikes, meltdown Already.

Ruby: No I really exploded. There was fire and I think some ice.

Yang: Are you being Sarcastic.

Ruby: I wish. I fell over some crabby girls luggage and she started yelling at me. And I felt really, really bad and I just wanted her to stop yelling at me.

Weiss: YOU.

Ruby: Oh my god it's happening again.

Weiss: You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the school.

Yang: Oh my god, you really exploded.

Ruby: It was an accident. It was an accident.

Weiss: ( shows pamphlet dust for dummies) The schnee dust company is not responsible foranydamageorinjurysubstainbyaschneedustcompanyproduct.

Ruby: Uhh.

Weiss: You really want to manor this up to me.

Ruby: Absolutely.

Weiss: Read this and don't ever speak to me again.

Yang: Hey, it seems you two just got off on the wrong foot. Why don't you start over.

Ruby: Great idea sis. Hello Weiss I'm Ruby. Wanna hang out we could go shopping for school supplies.

Weiss: (sarcastically) Yea. We could paint our nails and talk about cutes boys like tall, blond and scraggly over their.(points to Jaune)

Jaune: Huh.

Ruby: Really?

Weiss: NO!

Ozpin: I'll keep this brief. You all traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hold your craft and acquire new skills, and when you finish, you'll plan to dedicate your life to the lives of people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but it'll prove that knowledge will only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.

Glynda: You will gather in the ballroom today. Tomorrow will be your initiation. You're dismissed.

Yang: He seemed off. Almost like he wasn't even here.

Jaune: I'm a natural blonde you know.

Y/N just facepalms at this.

Time-skip still Ruby pov

Yang: it's like a big slumber party.

Ruby: I don't think dad would approve of all the boys though.

Yang: I know I do. What are you doing.

Ruby: Writing back to the gang back at signal. I promised to tell them about how things are going.

Yang: That's so cuuuuute.

Ruby: (throws pillow at yang) Shut up. I didn't get to bring my friends to school. It's weird not knowing anyone here.

Yang: What about Jaune. He's nice. There you go. That one percent increase. And don't forget that cute boy you were walking with.

Ruby: (blushes and throws pillow at yang again) Shut up!

Yang: Come on. Let's go talk to him.

Ruby: What. No


I was fidgeting with my locket when I saw Ruby being dragged by a blond girl.

???: Hellooooo.

Y/N: Uh, H- hi

???:I believe you two may know each other.

Y/N: Yea, I was the one who helped her out when she exploded.

Ruby: Yea. I realized I never said thank you for that. (Gets up and shakes Yangs hand) The names Y/N. What's yours.

Yang: I'm Yang. Ruby's older sister.

Y/N: Well, it was nice meeting you, but let's get some rest and get ready for initiation.

Yang, Ruby: Good night Y/N.

Y/N: Good night girls.

End of chapter 3

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