The New Maiden

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Ryoko:... What... happened?

Everyone just stared in silence. Her eyes glowed a fiery orange before back to normal as lightning was surging through her body and she yelled in pain again.

Ryoko: Augh! It hurts!

I got up and ran to Ryoko ignoring the pain I was putting myself through and I helped her up.

Y/N: Are you okay?

Ryoko: I feel like my body is on fire.

Y/N: I walked her to where the others was and set her down.

Ryoko was staring at her hands still trying to get what has happened.

Y/N: You're... the new Fall Maiden.

Ryoko: Huh? I do feel more powerful than usual.

Mom: It will take a while to get the hang of this power, but when you do master the power of the Maiden, you will be unbelievably powerful.

Ryoko: I can't wait that long. Akuma and Salem still need to be defeated.

Jaune: I thought you would be happy attaining this power. You look majorly worried though.

Ryoko said nothing and got up. I look towards Neo and Reiko. They both were exhausted. Neo swings her umbrella and kicked her back. I backed up and turned my staff to its sniper. She aimed at Neo and shot at her. The bullet got her right in the chest.

Reiko: *panting* That should do it.

Y/N: Good. The only one here now is Akuma. But something is wrong.

Blake: Yeah, it feels like Akuma's power is rising while Yomi's power is decreasing.

Yomi swung his sword at Akuma, but Akuma fought back and attacked knocking the sword out of his hand. Next Akuma punches him back.

Y/N: This isn't right.

Winter: Huh? What is that?

Winter saw something. Something that was giving him power.

Y/N: What?!

Winter: What? Professor Watts. He's supposed to be dead though.

Reiko: You're right.

Professor Watts was transferring power to Akuma.

Y/N: We got to stop him. It's the only way to beat Akuma. Ruby! You, Yang, and Winter will go stop Watts. Ryoko, Nora, and Jaune will keep Akuma busy until Ruby and the others finish their objective.

Ryoko, Nora, & Jaune: Right!

Ren: What should we do.

Y/N: That! *points to a lot of Grimm approaching* Everyone else keep the Grimm away from them until they do what they need to do!

Everyone: Right!

Mom: Like a true leader.

Everyone ran towards the Grimm keeping them away from Ruby and everyone else.

Y/N: Mom! Could you take care of Kitsune? I'm going to be joining the fray.

Mom: Right!

Akuma ran towards Yomi, but Ryoko got in the way and slammed their fists together Ryoko getting pushed back, but she planted her feet on the ground refusing to let Akuma win.

Akuma: Stronger than last time.

Ryoko: I'm the new Fall Maiden after all.

Akuma: Maybe, but you don't know how to use it.

Nora got close enough and slammed her hammer on Akuma knocking him back. Akuma ran towards Nora, but Jaune got in front and blocked the attack.

Ruby: How do we get to him?

Winter: Watts is smart, but he's not a fighter. If we get to him, he won't be able to fight his way out.

Ruby tried and used her speed to get to him, but when she did, she was stopped by what seemed to be a force field.

Ruby: What?!

Watts: You're not getting to me that easily.

Ruby: Yang! Smash the shield.

Yang: Got it!

Akuma threw a ball of darkness towards Ryoko. As it was about to hit, Ryoko shot lightning out of her hands blowing up the ball.

Akuma: What?!

Ryoko: I'm not a master of this, but that doesn't mean I can't use it at all.

Akuma: A Maiden against us is troublesome.

Yang punched the shield smashing it to pieces. She punched Watts back.

Blake: Hurry! Smash the computer! That's the thing giving Akuma all the power!

Winter smash the computer as she was told. Akuma felt his power weakening.

Akuma: WATTS!

Watts: I'm sorry. I never expected them to break through.

Akuma: I have no use for you now.

Watts: What?

Akuma shot him with a beam of darkness making him explode.

Yomi: Looks like... you're the only.... one left here. And Salem is no where to be seen. Akuma fired a beam at him which Jaune blocked.

Jaune: You okay?

Yomi: I'll be fine. You guys should get back. You can't win.

Nora: But with a Maiden on our side––

Yomi: A Maiden who didn't yet master her powers.

Akuma: You can't win. He charged at Yomi pushing Jaune out of the way and punched him making him fly back.

Y/N: No!

I run to Akuma and kicked him away.

Yomi: Y/N...

Y/N: Yomi.

Yomi: Take the mystical sword... and take Akuma down.

Y/N: But... only the one chosen can wield the sword.

Yomi: You can do it. Trust me. Take it. *hands me the sword*

I hesitantly grab it. The sword was violently shaking and I felt like I was gonna die from this power.

Yomi: Don't let go no matter what.

Kitsune: What's happening.

Mom: Don't get close, Kitsune.

Suddenly a big light engulf me and the sword. When the light faded, I was standing there holding the sword, feeling stronger than ever.

Akuma: What?!

Y/N: Well... This is a whole new battle. Mom, get Yomi back. I am gonna fight Akuma now.

Mom: Right.

She helped Yomi help and got him out of harms way.

Ryoko: You sure you could do it alone.

Y/N: I don't know. But I have to try.

Ryoko: No you don't.

Y/N: Huh?

Ryoko: I'm fighting with you wether you like it or not.

Y/N:... Fine. You win. We'll fight together

Ryoko: Great.

Ryoko and I got ready as did Akuma. We charged at him ready to strike.

End of chapter

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