The stray

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Team RWBY, Ryoko, and I were walking through the city of vale because Weiss woke all of us up to do so.

Y/N: Remind me why I have to go with you Weiss? Ryoko and I won't be able to participate unless a couple of you let's us substitute.

Weiss: The vytal festival is being set up. You shouldn't sleep in during this!

Ruby: I don't think I ever seen you smile this much Weiss. It's kind of weirding me out.

Weiss: How could you not smile? It's a festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dances, parades, a tournament! On the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breath taking.

Ruby: And besides we were planning on subbing out. As far as we're concerned you are the strongest one out of us. You're on par with Pyrrha! We just haven't decide who yet.

Yang: You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring Weiss.

Weiss: Quiet you.

Yang: Remind me again why we're spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks?

Ruby: (covering her nose) Ugh, they smell like fish.

Ryoko: Not to be rude, but that is the type of smell you'll get at the docks.

Weiss: I've heard that the students from vacuo will be arriving by ship today. And as a representative of beacon I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom.

Blake: She wants to spy on them so she has the upper hand in the tournament.

Weiss: Ah! You can't prove that!

Ruby: Woah.

We see a dust shop as a wreck and we went to see what happened.

Ruby: What happened here?

Detective 1: Robbery. Second dust shop to be hit this week. This place is turning into a jungle.

Yang: That's terrible.

Detective 2: They left all the money again.

Ruby: Huh?

Det 1: Yeah, just doesn't make a lick o' sense. Who needs that much Dust?

Det 2: I dunno, an army?

Det 1: You thinking the uh, White Fang?

Det 2: Ya I'm thinking we don't get paid enough.

Weiss: Hmph. The White Fang. What an awful bunch of degenerates.

Blake: What's your problem?

Weiss: My problem? I simply don't care for the criminally insane.

Blake: The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They're a collection of misguided faunas.

Weiss: Misguided?! They want to wipe humanity off the face of the planet!

Blake: So then they're 'very' misguided. Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a Dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale.

Y/N: I actually have to agree with Blake on this one. Not all faunas are bad.

Ryoko: Yea. Blake's got a point.

Ruby: Besides, the police never caught that Torchwick guy Y/N and I ran into a few months ago... Maybe it was him.

Ryoko: When did that happen?

Y/N It happened 2 days before we went through initiation and found you trying to kill me.

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