Emerald forest part 1

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Y/N mind: This is SO frustrating. It's like there is no one in this god forsaken forest. Could something interesting at least happen here.

As if on cue, 2 ursai came charging at me.

Y/N: Finally something was fun(I pulled out Libra Flare)

They're in there swords so when I tried to charged and slash at me. I jumped over the ursa and I used my semblance pyromancy to surround the blade with fire and sliced the ursa in half. When the other ursa charged at me, I transformed my swords to there gun mode and loaded it with ice dust firing at it freezing it. I walked up to the frozen ursa and punched with all I got shattering it.

Y/N: *sigh* Well that was faster than I hoped. Well, better move ahead.

Yang pov

Yang: Helloooo, is anyone out there. Hellooooo, getting bored here.

A bush rustles

Yang: Is someone there. (checks behind the bush) Ruby, is that you. Nope.

I dodged the ursa trying to slash at me. Another ursa from the opposite side charged at me,but I jumped out of the way. As one of the ursa charged at me, I loaded my ember celica and punched it making it fly back. The other one tried attacking me but I uppercut it and kicked it back.

Yang: You guys wouldn't happen to see a girl in a red hood would you.

The ursa roars at me.

Yang; You could just say no.

The ursa charged at me and I back flipped away.

Yang: Haha. You guys couldn't hit a broad side of a—

I see a stand of hair float in front of me.


I used ember celica's bullets to fire and boosted my self over and continuously punched and kicked, and blew it away through some trees making them fall and crash. The other one roared at me.

Yang: What? You want some to!?

I was about to go attack it but before I can, it fell due to someone striking it in the back showing the black haired girl Blake.

Yang: I could of taken him.

Weiss pov

I was firing an entire group of beowolves.

Weiss mind: Remember your training Weiss. Head up, shoulders back, right foot forward. Not that forward slow your breathing, wait for the right time to strike. And now.

I charged at the alpha. But as I was doing that ruby attacked the alpha.

Ruby: Gotcha ya.

I had to redirect my attack to avoid hitting Ruby, setting a tree on fire.

When Ruby's attention was towards me she was knocked back hitting me.

Ruby: Hey watch it.

Weiss: Excuse me you attacked out of turn. I could've killed you.

Ruby: *quietly* Have to try a lot harder than that.

Ruby was about to attack but when a tree fell, i took Ruby.

Weiss: We have to go.

The fire was spreading and the Grimm howl in pain.

Ruby and Weiss: *panting*

Ruby: What was that. That should be easy.

Weiss: Well, perhaps if you practiced even a little bit of caution. I wouldn't have set the forest on fire.

Ruby: What's that supposed to mean.

Weiss: I'm just surprised that someone who would talk so much would communicate so little during an encounter.

Ruby: Well, I'm sorry you need my help to win a fight. I'm just fine on my own.

Weiss: Well, congratulations on being the strongest child to sneak your way into beacon. Bravo

Ruby Uwaaaagh!

She grabs her scythe and sliced a tree in half.

Pyrrha pov

Jaune: Did you hear that.

Pyrrha: Gunfire, it seems some our Comrads have encountered the enemy.


I was fighting 5 beowolves. I shot and killed 3 of them, but one of them got a sneak attack on me and slashed me through some trees knocking me next to Pyrrha and Jaune.

Jaune: Y/N!!

Y/N: oh, hey Jaune.

The other two beowolves tried to slash at me and I jumped out of the way and shot the other two.

Y/N: Finally, some people.

Jaune: It's good to see you again. This is my partner p—

Y/N: Pyrrha. Everyone knows who she is.

Pyrrha: Bice to meet you.

Y/N: Same to you. Since I can't find a partner of my own, is it ok if I tag along?

Jaune: Sure, the more the merrier.

Y/N: thanks

As we were walking, Pyrrha moved a branch out of the way almost hitting but I ducked and Jaune took the impact.

Y/N: Jaune!

Pyrrha: I'm sorry.

Jaune: it's ok. Just a scratch.

Pyrrha: How come you didn't activate your aura?

Jaune; Huh?

Y/N: Your aura.

Jaune: Gesundheit.

Y/N: Do you know what aura is Jaune?

Jaune: *scoffs* Of course I do. Do you know what aura is?

Y/N: * sigh* Aura is the manifestation of your soul. It bears our burden and shields our heart.

Pyrrha: Have you ever felt like you were being watch without knowing someone was there.

Jaune: Uh, yeah.

Pyrrha: With practice, our aura can be our shield.

Y/N: Yep, everyone has it. Even animals.

Jaune: What about monsters?

Y/N: No, they lack soul. They're creatures of Grimm. The manifestation of anonymity. Them being the darkness and us being the Light.

Jaune: Right. That's why we fight them.

Pyrrha: Not about why, but about knowing. Understanding the dark and light helps us manifest our aura. Everyone has some of both.

Y/N: By baring our soul outward as a force, you can deflect them. All of our tools and equipment are conduits for aura. You project yourself and your soul with fighting.

Jaune: It's like a force field.

Y/N: In a way. A little while back my father taught me something that unlocked my aura. Just close your eyes and concentrate.

Jaune: Uh. Ok.

Y/N: For it is passing that we achieve immortality. Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul, and by my shoulder protect thee.

Jaune: Y/N.

Y/N: it's ok, I unlocked your aura. The rest is up to you. You have a lot of it. I can tell.


End of the chapter

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