The Coming Storm

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Ruby: I don't get it. The empty towns I've passed through were all damaged, or unfinished. But this place looks... fine.

Weiss: Maybe everyone left in a hurry. Before things took a turn.

I tried to turn the door knob, but it was locked.

Y/N: Damn it. Locked.

Qrow: *grunts* Stay on guard.

After he said that, I kicked the door open. We all ran in with weapons in hand.

Maria: Close the door already! It's cold enough in here as it is.

Reiko held the door shut while Oscar and Blake blocked it with a dresser.

Blake: I saw a chimney from the outside. Maybe we could get a fire going?

Ana: Please.

Weiss: I'll look for some blankets.

Qrow: Ryoko, go with her.

Ryoko: Okay.

After that they went to scour the house for blankets.

Oscar: *from a different room* Looks like a study. Or a library?

Ruby saw a picture and decided to get a closer look.

Y/N: What do you think?

Ruby: Something doesn't feel right.

Y/N: Let's look for some--

We heard Ryoko and Weiss scream from upstairs. So we went to see what's wrong.

Y/N: Ryoko! Weiss!

Everyone got up there and saw two lifeless bodies on the bed.

I helped Ryoko up and Blake helped Weiss. We went downstairs and started a fire with Ryoko covered up in a blanket. We heard the door opened and Qrow and Reiko came in as they were dusting snow off of their shoulders.

Reiko: It's the same in every house.

Ana: What?

Qrow: Bodies.

Reiko: Every bed in every home. *walking towards the fire* It's like the whole estate just went to sleep and never woke up.

Ryoko: Then we're not staying here, right?

Qrow: We don't have a choice. Storms outside's only getting worse. We'd freeze to death before we made it anywhere.

Maria: Well. Might as well get comfortable.

Yang: Yeah, fat chance.

Ruby: Okay, then. Let's do something. If this place wasn't abandoned it might still have supplies we could use.

Oscar: Hey, yeah. Maybe even a car.

Qrow: I'll do another sweep of the grounds.

Yang: I'll go too.

They started to walk towards the door

Qrow: No one else goes anywhere alone.

Blake: Reiko and I can search the other buildings for vehicles.

Reiko: Sounds like a plan. I just don't want to be cooped up in here.

After they left, Ruby and I pushed the dresser up against the door. She looked at me, and noticed I looked a little nervous.

Ruby: Food always makes me feel better. *chuckles nervously* Just saying.

There was a brief pause.

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