Of Runaways and Stowaways

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??? POV

I was on a boat looking for someone. I was looking around, my ponytailed black hair was swaying in the wind with my red jacket.

???: (sigh) Things are just getting more boring. And I can't even find the person I need to find. Of all things I could've done, Atlas sent me here.

???: Hey, you look lonely.

???: (turns around) Yeah, REAL polite monkey boy.

???: Just trying to start a conversation. My names Sun. What's yours?

???:... Reiko. Say Sun, have you seen a girl with black hair with cat ears.

Sun: Yeah actually. She over there. (Pointing to the edge of the boat where the girl is)

Reiko: Thanks. She looks like she needs to have alone time. I'll go get her later.


We were setting up camp since it was getting late. Kitsune was also coming down with a fever. So it was perfect to stop for the day. Ryoko, Ruby, and Jaune was setting up while I was giving Kitsune medicine. A death-stalker was closing in. It was about to strike me, but just in time, Ryoko blocked the stinger with her two swords.

Ryoko: (holding the death-stalker in place) Taking Care of Kitsune doesn't mean you have to let your guard down. Now hurry and take this thing down.

Y/N: Right.

I brung out my Libra Flare and slashes at it and it made a clean cut killing it.

Y/N: Is it me, or have we gotten a lot stronger then at Beacon?

Ryoko: No, we definitely got stronger.

Ruby then runs up to us.

Ruby: The campsite is ready.

Y/N: Great!

I picked up Kitsune and Ruby, Ryoko, and I began to walk towards the campsite.

Reiko POV

I was looking into the sun set, but with Blake's paranoia, she brung our her weapon and looked in my direction, but she looked to late as I was away from her site.

Blake: Who's there!?

After that a serpent Grimm hits the ship. Then the Grimm showed itself.

Sailor: Red alert!!

The captain comes out.

Captain: By the gods...

The serpent did a powerful roar.

Captain: All hands to battlestations!

Female sailor: Sir, we've never fought a Grimm this big!

Captain: We've never SEEN something this big. But we'll give 'er a fight, nonetheless.

Blake ran and jumped off the boat, made a shadow to get her higher in the air and threw her gambol shroud and it impaled its head. She swung around and shot it on its head making it shriek in pain. It started to surf through the ocean as Blake got back on the ship and it started to charge at Blake. The captain tried to turn the ship out of the Grimm attack and it barely missed its target. The serpent then jumped over the ship. After that the cannons aimed all the cannons in the ship at the Grimm. Blake then jumped to the Grimm and impaled it head again and shot at it again as all the cannons fired at it. It knocked the Grimm back at the impact of the explosion knocks Blake back as well landing on the ship again. She tried to get up again, but felt a sharp pain on her shoulder.

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