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Qrow: Leave my niece and her friends alone!

I charged at Dad as Qrow charged at Tyrian.

I slashed at him, but he blocked it with his sword and goes for a kick. I jumped and through my sword at him, he jumped back and I grabbed the sword and charged at him and successfully landed a kick.

Dad: Wow. You are stronger since we fought at Beacon. But I haven't even begun to use my power yet.

He charged at me faster then before and slashes at me, but I kicked his hand making him lose his grip and I slashed at him which he dodged and punched me in the cheek, then kicks me to the gut making me fly back. I turned Libra Flare to the guns and shot at him, but every shot was blocked with his sword. I turned them back and slashed at him with both, he ducks and kicks at me, but I maneuvered around it and kick him in the back.

Dad was getting irritated at me.

Y/N: You May be stronger, but I'm faster.

Qrow was struggling keeping up with Tyrian. Father saw this and charged at Qrow.

Y/N: Your fight is with me!

I was running after him, but the head start he has is too much for me to catch up. He slashed at Qrow, but someone blocked it, I looked at the girl and I remember her from the academy that I went to before Beacon.

Y/N: Ana!

Ana was a girl about 3 years younger then me. She wears a black hood with purple hair in braids with a red ribbon at the end with thigh long white socks with silver and black shoes. She holding a purple and black scythe with a chain at the bottom.

Her scythe blocked the sword my dad swung at Qrow

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Her scythe blocked the sword my dad swung at Qrow. She then kicks him back.

Ana: Hmph.

Ana runs at him while she is swinging her scythe and then the chain from the scythe went right towards dad hitting him right in the chest knocking him into the building behind him. I run up to Ana and we hug each other.

Ana: It's been to long, Y/N.

Qrow: Save the reunion until after we beat these two.

Y/N: Right!

Dad dashed out of the building obviously angry. He was so angry, it looked like he was steaming,

Dad: Who the hell did that?!

He sees Ana and charged at her. But Ana being as fast as I am, dodged and swung her scythe slashing him across the chest. I ran at him and slashed him knocking him into the ground.

Dad: Tch. I will get you if it's the last thing I do, Y/N! Not your friends or sister could do about it. One does not upset the queen.

Ruby: Queen?

Qrow: Salem.

Ruby: Who?

Dad: Enough talk. I will bring you to her!

Qrow was continuing to fight Tyrian as Ana and I fought father. Ryoko and Ruby charged towards Tyrian and both slash at him. He ducked both and kicked both of them back. Tyrian charged at Ryoko, but Qrow blocked it.

Qrow: Don't come closer!

Ruby: Fine!

Ruby then jumped on a building and aims at Tyrian, but the constant moving makes it impossible to shoot at him. Ana charged at dad as I did the same. Ana threw her scythe at him, holding on to the chain. Dad dodged it, but because Ana was holding onto the chain, it retracted and hit him in the head. That caught him off guard allowing me to slash at him, hitting him. I tried again, but he grabs the sword and threw them out of my hand and attacks me, but Ana blocked it. I looked at my hand then cracked my knuckles. I hit him in the face, kicked him in the stomach, then elbowed him in the cheek knocking him back. I went over to grab my swords as he tried to attack me Ana threw her chain and wrapping it around his hand. That gave me the opportunity to slash at him, making an X on his chest. He grabbed the chain and pulled it towards him making Ana come towards him as well, but as he tried, I elbowed his back and kicked him in the head making him fly towards Ana allowing a kick to his stomach.

Y/N: Face it! You can't beat the both of us!

Dad: Ugh. Damn it!

I saw a pillar about to fall on Ruby. I ran and cut the pillar in half. Tyrian was about to stab me with his scorpion tail, but Qrow pushes me out of the way getting stabbed himself. After that I cut the top of his tail off. He screamed in pain.

Dad: Tyrian! We have to retreat! As much as I hate admitting it, we can't fight all of them!

Tyrian: (to me) You bitch! She'll forgive us.

Dad and Tyrian ran out of the city, admitting defeat. Qrow then fall on one knee covering his wound with his hand.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow! Are you ok?

Qrow was panting heavily.

Qrow: I'll be fine. He just grazed me.

He showed us the scratch that didn't look at all fatal.

Ryoko: That was insane! The only ones that could do anything against them is Y/N and Ana!

Jaune: Why are people after Y/N and Ruby?

Ruby: Uncle Qrow? What's going on?

Qrow: What's your favorite fairytale?

We then heard rustling in the bushes. Ryoko and I got our stance ready to attack. What we heard through the bushes was not danger, but Ren and Nora.

Ren: Y/N!

Y/N: Ren! Nora! What are you guys doing here?

Nora: We heard a lot of noise over here, so we came to check it out!

Ren: Looks light we were to late.

Ryoko: Hey, Y/N? How do you know Ana and who is she.

Y/N: She was the first friend I made in the previous academy before Beacon. Ana, this Ryoko, my sister.

Ana: Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Y/N: These are Jaune, Ren, Nora, Ruby, Qrow, and Kitsune, My friends. Kitsune is someone I agree to take care of after I found out she lost her parents.

Ana: Hello. It's nice to meet you all.

Y/N: I have a bandages in my backpack, Qrow. Let me fix up that wound.

Qrow: Thank you.

After I fixed up his wound, we went into the forest where Ryoko started a fire. That's when we settled down and sat on some logs.

End of chapter

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