New Life

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It's been 2 months since we went back to Atlas. Winter and Ryoko were training their powers. I would help Ruby through her pregnancy. No one has came back from Salem which is making me worry for them. I was on a balcony looking out into the distance. Someone that we haven't seen in a while approached me.

???: Hey?

Y/N: Yeah.

I turn around to see Neon and Flynt from the Vytal festival.

Y/N: Oh, haven't seen you two in a while. Not since Yang and I have wiped the floor with you in the Tournament.

Neon: Hey! It was close.

Y/N: I was kidding. Anyways, do you need something?

Neon: We came to chat. You look a little down.

Y/N: I'm fine. I'm worry about Ruby though.

Flynt: She'll get the best treatment here in Atlas.

Y/N: I hope you're right.

I looked out the balcony to see Ryoko getting the hang of her powers.

Y/N: She caught on quick.

Flynt: Who knew out of all people, you're sister would be the Fall Maiden.

Y/N: Well, I'll be going, now. See you some other time.

Neon: Yeah. See ya!

I walked over to Ruby and sat next to her. Ruby laid her head on my shoulder.

Y/N: How are you holding up, Rosebud.

Ruby: I'm doing ok. I wonder if everyone who went to fight Salem is ok.

Y/N: Trust me, I think about that everyday.

Ryoko: Thought I see you two here.

Y/N: Heya, sis. How your powers coming along?

Ryoko: Going great actually. I'm making faster progress than Ironwood thought I would.

Time-skip 5 months Ryoko POV

I ran towards Winter with my swords and slashed at her. She blocked it and sent ice shards my way. I melted them with my Maiden powers. I ran towards her as Winter ran towards me.

Ironwood: Stop!

We stopped after hearing that.

Ironwood: You two have made excellent progress.

Ryoko: Thanks, General.

Ironwood: You have mastered these powers.


Winter: Is something wrong, Ryoko?

Ryoko: I don't think anyone lived against Salem. They haven't reported back since we separated. And Ruby could be going in to labor any time now. I feel like we have lost before the war even began.

Winter:... You've matured.

Ryoko: Huh?

Winter: When we first started training, you were excited to learn how to use these powers. Now you're 17 and so much more mature now. You don't look excited to have mastered them.

Ryoko: No, I am. But I can't show my excitement while I'm here and everyone I know and love went to fight Salem alone. The only ones I know that are alive are Ruby, Y/N, and you.

Time-skip a week

I've been walking around Mantle trying to find some place fun, but there was nothing here.

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