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Hello everyone!

Some of you may find the title resemblance with my story 'HeartBEAT' which has been completed in june 2019. To be honest, I miss that story since that day. I miss it so much, because as much as I love my other stories which I posted after that, there hasn't been a story so close to my heart like HeartBEAT. It was my first 'success' on wattpad and it united the things I loved most- dancing and writing. I used to dance scince I could walk and I mean that literally. Nevertheless, I have never been obsessed with it. As I got the idea for HeartBEAT, my dancing hours per week went up from 2 to approxiamtely 10. I don't consider myself a good ballet/ contemporary dancer, but it's what I love. It really is my passion, my everything. And writing HeartBEAT made me realize how much I actually wanted to be good at it. How much I enjoyed it and how much I loved it. This does really sound cheesy but it honestly is what happened. If I am now saying that HeartBEAT changed my life, it isn't exaggerated at all. I found my passion for dancing and my passion for writing in it. I don't go to a ballet academy or something alike, I am just a regular student at a regular school, obsessed with leotards, pointe shoes and contemporary music. So, as I really missed HeartBEAT so incredibly much, I reread it. And it got a whole lot worse after that. So, I decided I want to do whatever the fuck I want and decided to make a series out of this idea. HeartBEAT is book one, so you definitely should read it before reading this as this is officially book two! I am so happy and pumped to write this story and take you back to NYABM, experience it all over again and be prepared for what drama is to come. I am beyond excited to finally write this and as we reached 5k on HeartBEAT, this is the perfect moment to reveal this grand, thrilling project in honour of HeartBEAT.

In case you forgot what happened or if you're new to this storyline, here's a quick and really short summary:

Alec is a ballet and modern dancer and goes to New York Academy of Ballet and Modern where he meets his roommate, Magnus Bane. Both of the fall in love with one another and they share some deep secrets of their pasts such as Magnus being abused by his former girlfriend Camille. Alec meanwhile, being in year one makes good friends such as Simon Lewis, Raphael Santiago and his dance partner Maia Roberts. Apparently, him being gay isn't accepted by everyone so he gets bullied by Jonathan and his friends who he has classes with. When it comes down to a huge competition and Alec gets to be part of it he is excited and willing to work hard to make his team win. He is in a trio with Maia and Jonathan and gets a more important role than Jonathan does. With all his power, Jonathan tries to make Alec step back from the competition and the fight between the two boys escalates. So, one day at training Jonathan makes a mistake on purpose and injures Alecs knee. Alec is trying to play down his injury to be able to compete and takes a lot of pain medication to make it go away. After some time, he feels like he is getting somehow addicted to it but he is not willing to stop before the competition is over. When the competition is done Alec rejects all painkillers and due to the amount of stress he breaks down and needs to be brought to a hospital where he reunites with his friends and family who he has been pushing away under all the pressure. To celebrate the end of the year, everyone goes on a little trip where Alec conquers his fear of dancing and gets the opportunity to attend classes at a famous Fench ballet academy with his boyfriend Magnus.  

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