Chapter sixty

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"Come on, Alec, let's switch.", Maureen said and wakened Alec. Alec yawned- he had not slept well. "You spent this whole night in front of his room, let me try.", Maureen crouched down, "Get some proper sleep." "I promised.", Alec sighed, "And I am not breaking my promises." "Raphael, please let us in.", Maureen begged. To their complete surprise, the door clicked. "Raph.", Maureen sighed in relief. "Alec can come in.", Raphael said and Alec immediately entered the room, just in time before Raph could lock the door again, leaving Maureen outside. "You aren't on good terms right now, are you?", Alec asked to break the ice. As the words came out of his mouth, he felt like he was about to punch himself- clearly something terrible has happened to Raphael, so Alec was certain he didn't want to be reminded of his relationship issues on top of that. "No we aren't.", Raphael sighed and let himself sink into his bed. Alec could see that he hasn't slept, the dark lilac bags under his eyes were badging themselves from his unusually pale skin. "Did you really spend the whole night in front of my door?", Raphael suddenly asked. Alec nodded. "Thanks.", He whispered. "I am so sorry.", Alec replied and pulled his best friend in a hug. He felt his shoulders shake, his whole body was trembling. "It's okay.", Alec sighed as he felt Raphael's tears soak his shirt and his heart shattered into a billion pieces. He has never seen Raphael cry before. Not because he wouldn't, just because there has never been a real reason to. Of course he had drama, of course he went through a lot of pain- but this was different. Alec could tell it was different by the way his best friend gasped for air. This gasp was desperate. "I miss her.", Raphael swallowed in between cries, "I miss my grandma." This was when it hit Alec. "May she rest in peace.", He whispered as a tear escaped his eye and rolled down his cheek, only to drop off his chin and get lost in Raphael's hair whose head was resting in Alec's shoulder.

"I can't believe it.", Alec sighed as he was lying on his back on his bed. "She deserved better. And so did Raph.", Magnus replied and held Alec's hand. He has been in Raphael's room until his friend fell into a deep, much needed sleep. "She was such a kind person. Such a sweet soul. I remember meeting her at the open house and thinking how blessed Raphael is to have someone that supports him that unconditionally.", Alec explained. "He was. And now he is blessed to have this amazing guardian angel watching over him.", Magnus said. "He is completely shattered. He has just lost his person, that one human on earth to always be there for him, listen to him, advise him, guide him, support him. She was his shoulder to cry on, his biggest fan, the one who always believed and someone to take care of him when he was overlooked by everyone. She saw his talent, she saw his passion and she made him hold on to that and chase his dreams. His grandmother made him who he is today, she has shaped him into the incredible person we all love. She was his everything." "She has secured herself a good spot in heaven. And I am sure Raphael knows that. He needs to figure this out for himself and there is very little you can do for him. You showed him you are there for him, and that's the most important thing. Things will work out. Somehow. Someday."

Magnus was downstairs to work on a contemporary assignment which gave Alec a little time for himself. He looked around the room- the bathroom. Where they have cried, kissed, hugged, broken each other's hearts, thrown up. The kitchen, where they have smiled, laughed, stretched, stargazed, been on dates, fallen asleep on the floor. The bedroom, where they have deeptalked, worked, helped each other, hidden their dirty laundry, hugged. He could not look through the room without being rushed with billions of memories with Magnus. This room wouldn't be this room without Magnus, without his hair gel stains next to the bathroom sink, the smell of his deodorant in his bedroom and the pink water bottle in the kitchen. And there has been something on Alec's chest for weeks by now. He was finishing his second year, which meant Magnus was finishing his third. That meant he could graduate. He could leave. And he wouldn't be here anymore. There would be no pink water bottle, no hair gel stains, no deodorant smell. The only thing to remind Alec of Magnus then would be the memories which he has mentally pinned to the walls of their dorm room. Alec has not asked Magnus about his decision yet, as the possibility of him moving out has always been something Alec pushed away and blocked out. On top of that, he doubted Magnus has made a decision himself. As if Magnus has sensed that Alec was thinking about him, he opened the door and came back. "What's wrong?", He asked immediately after seeing Alecs' face. Alec breathed in to gain confidence and asked ahead. "Are you leaving me?" "What?!", Magnus asked and his jaw dropped. "Are you graduating?", Alec rephrased. "I-", Magnus stuttered and dropped his dance back, as if he was getting ready to have that talk now, even though clearly both of them have been trying not to think about it. "I don't know.', he said and looked into Alec's eyes, which got a few shades darker. Somehow, even though that was selfish, Alec has hoped Magnus would say he was going to stay. "Okay.", Alec sighed and bit his lip. "But no matter if I graduate or not, I am never leaving you, Alec. Ever. I promise.", Magnus said and pulled his boyfriend in a hug. "I won't let you.", Alec chuckled as a tear made its way down his face.

Hello beautiful people!
I feel like this chapter has made it quite obvious so I am not going to lead you on anymore as there is no point in hiding it anymore- there will be a third  and final part to this story. I have called in love with this world I have created and I see some of you have too.  The third book will be a lot different than this one as there is going to be one event to change the entire plot- I am very excited to see how you guys will like it. I am planning on finishing this story in November. Then, in December there will be a special- details on that are on their way! Anyways, that was a lot of information, have a lovely day and let me know 8f you have any suggestions for book three that I am going to try to incorporate!
Love you guys, XOXO AllyMaii

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