Chapter forty

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"Hey there!", Isabelle greeted and pulled Alec into a hug. "Hey!", he returned the hug and sat down. Jace was already there. Now that Alec was resting he decided to make time for his siblings again. "I wanted to apologize for mum and dad."; Isabelle sighed and Alec shook his head:" You don't have to. They are grown people. They know what they're doing. You couldn't have known." "I should not have brought them. They got the invitation in the mail and asked us if we were going as well to make sure it wasn't an accident. And we didn't hold them back, we thought it was good that they seemed to show interest in you. We should not have just assumed they were telling the truth.", Isabelle replied. "It's fine. Magnus took it well, I did too, it's all good.", Alec cleared the air and called the waiter. "It was your big day- this shouldn't have happened.", Jace said but got cut off by Alec:" Why are you stressing so much about it? Everything is good, everything worked out, I had an amazing day- why do you feel bad? Or is there anything else?" Isabelle bit her lip:" They said they refuse to pay for one more year NYABM. As the tuition is for every half year and they already paid for your second semester this year before the open house and can't withdraw it you're good for this year but year three is all on us." Alec choked on his coffee:" This is a joke, right?" Jace shook his head:" It's not. They didn't even want to tell you because they wanted you to get kicked out but we decided to tell you anyways." Alec sighed flabbergasted:" I can't believe them. I would have understood if they told me to pay my own bills since I graduated but the agreement was that they would pay for NYABM. They promised. I knew I couldn't afford it without them, that's why I asked and made sure beforehand. Not even I expected them to bail on me half way through." "I understand.", Izzy said, "But we can do this." Alec scoffed:" Easy for you to say. It's me who has to somehow cover his own ass from now on." Jace shook his head:" We're helping you." "I can't accept that.", Alec said but Jace shook his head:" You have to." "I make money, Jace does. There's enough in our savings, we make enough money, it could work.", Isabelle said and stroke Alec's arm but he jerked away:" You're not supposed to spend your savings on my training. That was my parents job. And now it's mine." "Do you see any other option?", Isabelle argued and and Alec rolled his eyes. He hated it when his sister was right. "No.", he sighed in response. "See. And it's not a big deal, Alec. Everything you have down for us, it's no comparison to paying for NYABM for a year." "I am the oldest. It's my job. And if it comes down to it, I am supposed to be the one paying for you, not the other way around." "Alec, it's okay. We're happy to do that for you. We will do our bests.", Isabelle said and Alec smiled weakly. He knew they were. He just wasn't sure he was. 

"Hey, how was your day?", Magnus asked as Alec returned home. "It was fine.", Alec said. He decided not to tell Magnus about the financial difficulties he might face just now. "Why do I feel like I need to be concerned?", Magnus asked and Alec shook his head:" It's all good, how was your day?" "Great.", Magnus said and smiled. Alec leant forwards and gave his boyfriend a soft kiss, like a feather brushing his lips. "What was that for?", Magnus asked smiling. "For being your gorgeous self.", Alec replied with a grin and limped to the kitchen. "Shouldn't you be resting?", Magnus asked and Alec shot a reproachful look in his direction. "Okay, just checking in.", Magnus chuckled. If there was one thing the both of them learnt, it was that they had to trust each other in every way. Magnus had to learn how to trust Alec with taking care of himself, Alec had to learnt how to trust Magnus with new auditions coming up. It was all a learning experience. Usually, Alec would have lashed out if someone would have pointed out something about his injury, but he learned how to deal with it. He learned how to stand by his own weaknesses. He learned how to take care of himself. He learnt how to let others take care of him. But his pride would always be a part of him. Magnus knew that. Magnus learned how o handle himself, he learned how to let people sort out their own stuff, how to give people space. "Pasta or salad?", Alec asked from the kitchen and Magnus chuckled- as if that wasn't obvious. "Pasta, duh!", he laughed and Alec grinned. Magnus also learned it was hopeless trying to hold Alec back from something he set his mind to. If Alec decided he wanted to cook, he would cook no matter what. "Hey, are you sure everything is okay?", Magnus asked after a while. Just by looking at his boyfriend he could tell he was tense. "Can we not do this?", he asked as he turned around and Magnus sighed:" Spit it out, Alec. How bad can it be." "Pretty bad.", Alec scoffed and dropped himself on a chair while the pasta was cooking. He could scent the tomatos and hear the water boiling. "Oh come on, what is it?", Magnus asked and Alec took a deep breath. "My parents cut me off." "They did what?", Magnus asked in pure disbelief. "They said they refuse to pay for my last year of NYABM.", Alec explained. "But can they do that?", Magnus asked and Alec swallowed hard:" Sadly, they can do whatever they want."

Hello beautiful people! I am sorry this is up so late, yesterday I had my french finals and we were celebrating all evening and today my wattpad didn't work- but better later than never. Anyways, how are you doing!
XOXO, AllyMaii

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