Chapter twenty-seven

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Nothing felt normal anymore. Alec had so many questions but he just couldn't bring himself to ask them. With whom had Magnus cheated in him? When? Why? How? As curious as he was, he realized maybe it was better not to know.  Magnus tried to talk to him but very soon realized Alec wanted his distance. And he respected that, for which Alec was very grateful. Those scenes kept on flashing before his ears- hours ago everything was normal and now he felt like his universe has been turned inside out. Alec stumbled to practice- he could only hope that would distract him. "Hey!", Maia greeted, all happy and sunshiny as always. "Hey!", Alec said and put on a fake smile. Obviously that didn't work on Maia. "Are you okay? You don't look too good.", She asked worriedly but Alec just shook his head:"I had a terrible night, I couldn't sleep at all." That was a fabulous excuse- it explained his red eyes, the absence of energy and the not-talking. It was perfect. "Okay class, we have to start working very hard for that open house! Let's warm up and get to it!", Valentine commanded and everyone did as he was told. Alec's head just wasn't in it. His thoughts kept in circulating around Magnus- how could he hurt him like that? And why would he want to kiss someone else? Wasn't he enough? And what if it wasn't just a kissy what if they made out or hopped into bed together. What if they had sex? But also, what if it was just flirting? All of those questions were killing him. "Alec?", Simon yelled and punched his arm, "Still there?" "Hm?", Alec asked, his thoughts slowly getting where they were supposed to be. "You sure you want to hold this stretch that long?", Simon asked. Alec cursed- he really didn't pay attention to what he was doing. "Man, you looked messed up- are you alright?", Raphael asked but Maia answered the question for him:" Didn't get good sleep." "Adventurous night, huh?", Simon asked with a dirty grin on his face. It was indeed adventurous, just not in the way he was thinking. "The fight with myself over the cold side on the blanket was indeed extreme.", Alec joked to keep his cover up. "If that man hasn't lost his humour we haven't let him slip too far yet.", Raphael joked and Alec pretended to laugh. He was grateful for Valentine calling them up to start the rehearsal, at least he knew he would have no choice but to keep his head in the game. "I want you to present what you have done so far, pair by pair.", He said and called everyone up. First were Aline and Jonathan- unsurprisingly perfect, as always. Annoyingly perfect fit a little better. "Very well.", Valentine said and called up Simon and Gretel. They also did quite well and got according feedback. Next up were Maureen and Raphael. When they walked up to the front he noticed Raphael picking on his finger's skin- something he always did when he was nervous. Alec knew they have been behind in the choreography but he never noticed how big the problem was until he now saw them demonstrate - Maureen's extensions were low, the turns were sloppy and the lift looked terrific- you could see how Maureen couldn't keep her body tense and how Raphael was clearly struggling holding her up. "That was surprisingly terrible.", Valentine commented and called up Alec and Maia next. They have done the routine about a million times by now so they did accordingly well and got good feedback. "Wow, I mean Raphael and Maureen- they need help!", Maia whispered while they were stretching in the middle of the class. "They do. I mean both of them are struggling.", Alec replied and looked where they were sitting. He noticed Raphael kept on hyper-extending his back. "I think something is wrong with both of them.", He added. "What do you mean?", Maia asked and Alec pointed in their direction:" Raphael doesn't seem okay, I think there's something wrong with his back. And Maureen couldn't hold her body tension at all! I don't know if they got too comfortable around each other but at much we have to talk to them." "Agreed.", Maia said with a frown.

"God, that was so embarrassing!", Raphael groaned as he sat down at the dinner table next to Alec, Maia and Simon. "I mean to be honest it looked kind of terrible- guys okay?", Maia asked. "Yeah sure, we have no drama, no nothing.", Raphael started explaining but Maia shook her head:" Not what I meant. I meant- are you okay? As in physically. And party mentally." Raphael shrugged:" I mean the thing is she keeps on gaining weight and I simply can't get her up- but how do I tell her, I mean we are dating and she gets so insecure..." Maia shook her head again:" One more time, not what I was asking. I was asking about you. You personally." Alex smirked- it was obvious something was wrong and Raphael was trying to talk his way out of it by avoiding the topic. Alec couldn't blame him- he learned from the best. He was thinking about telling them about what happened with Magnus but decided he wanted to process first before he would tell others. Maybe bottling things up wasn't the best coping mechanism, but it has always worked.for him so far. "It's nothing serious, I just feel like my back has been ready sore and it's bothering me, obviously.", Raphael sighed and Maia nodded:" I get that. You guys, it's not even midterms and everyone it already falling apart- you have to keep it together!" Everyone was falling apart- just not only in the way Maia meant it. Everthing was falling apart and Alec would love to keep it together- just at this point, he didn't feel like he knew how. He didn't feel like he could. He didn't feel anything, really.

Hey guys! I hope everyone is staying safe and enjoying the beginning of Summer! Now with the pandemic going on there isn't much you can do, really, but still I hope everyone is looking forwards to summer as much as I do! Stay safe sweeties💖
XOXO AllyMaii

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