Chapter seventeen

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So sorry, I absolutely forgot what day of the week it was yesterday so I didn't upload haha. Well, now your belated chapter is here!

"Can you hand me the tool box please?", Jace asked and Alec did as he was told. It was Sunday, the only day they had off so there was no better day to come and help Jace and Clary with moving. As support he brought Raphael, Simon and Maia. Magnus spontaneously got a request for an audition so Alec told him to go. "Guys, the truck with the boxes is here!", Clary exclaimed. "Me, Alec and Raphael can go. Maybe you guys can stay and keep on painting?", Jace suggested and Maia nodded:" Otherwise it's going to dry unevenly." "Okay, come on guys.", Jace commanded and they made their way down the stairs. It truly was a beautiful apartment they got, but the elevator was broken when they needed it the most. Quickly they helped unpacking the truck and quickly found themselves standing in front of the house with about fifty boxes to carry to the fourth floor. "Well at least all those arm days weren't for nothing.", Raphael smirked and Alec scratched his forehead- yeah that was going to be a challenge. "Which arm days are you talking about?", Jace joked but you could hear a slight faint of worry in his voice. "Then I declare this armday.", Alec replied and confidently took two boxes, piled them in one another and got moving. "That's not that bad!", He exclaimed. "Yeah those are the blankets and stuff.", Clary explained when he finally dropped off the boxes in the apartment. In a circle like this, the three of them got box for box upstairs. After a few runs it got really tiring. "I feel like my arms are jelly.", Raphael grinned, picking up the last two boxes that weren't labeled fragile. Now they had approximately fifteen left. "Maybe it wasn't smart to save the heavy ones for the end.", Jace stated, massaging his upper arms. "Maybe it wasn't.", Alec joked and picked up one of the heavier boxes. "Dude, what is in there? Rocks?", He gasped. "Possible. Clary collects crystals. You better don't drop them or she'll fry you alive." "Okay sir.", Alec replied but the smile on his face faded as he started climbing up the stairs. Suddenly, a sharp pain made its way through his right knee. It's probably nothing, he told himself and got the box upstairs. What was a sharp, momentary pain changed into a constant ache within the next three runs. "Okay, two more per person!", Jace sighed. You could see the exhaustion on his face. His stamina really wasn't the best. "Okay, let's go!", Raphael said and got his last two boxes on too of each other. "Yeah that's heavy.", He gasped and got moving- Alec couldn't help but grin. Raphael didn't even know the word energy-save mode. Unlike his friend, Alec didn't feel like he had much energy left to waste, though. His knee was starting to really bug him and he hasn't drunken anything in five hours. "You look pale- are you okay?", Jace asked. "Yeah, sure.", Alec replied and picked up the two boxes- he just wanted to get this over with.
"Is that it?", Clary asked in excitement and Jace nodded:" We got it all upstairs." "Fantastic. Maia and Simon finished the bedroom by the way, I decided to make us some well deserved lunch!", Clary said. It smelled amazing. "Thank god, I am starving!", Raphael exclaimed and dropped himself on a chair. "Be right there, I'll quickly go to the bathroom.", Alec said. As soon as he locked the bathroom the slowly sat down on the edge of the bathtub to release done pressure of his knee. Then he fidgeted his phone out of his pocket and typed Magnus a quick message.

"How are you? How was/is the audition?"

A few seconds later he got a response:

"I'm still waiting and bored to death🙄

Alec grinned- he could imagine.

"You'll do amazing. Ily!", He replied

"Love you too.", Magnus texted and got offline.

With a grin Alec went back to the kitchen table where everyone was already enjoying the spinach lasagna Clary made.
"That's delicious!", Alec said after taking his first bite. "I bet it is. Anyways, guys, tell us how dance is going! I bet your lives are way more interesting than ours.", Clary asked. Alec left the talking to his friends- they were better at it anyways. "Well, it's not too special. A little romance, a little drama, the usual.", Maia summarised pretty accurately. "Well that sounds amazing! Spill!", Clary laughed. Raphael's pale face immediately turned so red it could easily outshine a cherry. "Well, there is this girl...", He stuttered. "My roommate, Maureen, to get the facts straight.", Maia interrupted. "...And she's my dance partner and yeah.", Raphael finished, blushing even more than before. "It's safe to say that Raphael head over heels fell in love with her, and not in an elegant tombé but in a really ugly way that would make any competition crowd gasp and close their eyes because they think the dancer just died.", Maia added. Jace burst out laughing:" Literally me with Clary. I mean I have no idea what the hell a tombé is but the elegant part doesn't fit for sure." Clary smiled:" That is sweet of you." "Let's give it up for our couple of the year!", Alec laughed and raised his water glass. "Cheers to Clace!", Maia chuckled and everyone cheered. "How is Magnus doing?", Clary asked after everyone finished eating. "He's doing great, I think. Obviously, for all of is it's all new but especially for year three, everything is different but I am sure he is going to be amazing as always.", Alec said and a smile made its way into his face- he couldn't help but smile every time he thought of Magnus, the man of his dreams.

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