Chapter twenty-five

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"Hey everyone! I have a couple of quick announcements!", Valentine said and everyone gathered around. This morning Magnus went to class so Alec was feeling relatively calm. "At first, I want to introduce you to Amatis!", he continued and pointed at the short woman next to him. "Amatis is NYABM's own physiotherapist. As last years percentage of injuries was quite high, we want you to have to opportunity to visit Amatis in her office next to Miss Blackthorns office. She can't help with everything but if something is feeling tense she might help. This service is free, but you may have to register for a treatment.", Valentine finished. Amatis stepped forwards:" Right. Hi everyone, I am Amatis and as Mister Morgenstern so well explained, you can find me in my office right next to Miss Blackthorns. My opening hours are every day except Saturday, as Sunday is your free day you might want to get a procedure there so I put my free day on Saturday. Just visit me in my office and we can see if I am free right now or if we have to make an appointment." Everyone clapped their hands and Amatis left. Then Valentine continued:" Two other things: As this is a ballet and modern school, we want you to widen your horizons in a theme week that you will have with year three together. We will bring attention to two styles you probably barely practiced before: Breakdance and Poledance. We will bring in special coaches and you will be put into groups based off your performance at the open house that we are going to host in three weeks. This is what all this partnering has been for- they want to see how you interact with others as at the end of the project week, you will have a performance with your group in the style you were chosen to do. It is going to be a group performance so they don't need to see strong soloists. This open house will be the focus of the next three weeks which means no extra assignments and no homework. As this open house is publicity for NYABM and important advertisement, you need to be focused on your dancing. All years are going to perform as it is meant to impress choreographers and investors and therefore it's good to show a lot of dancers. But, for you, all of this is less relevant because there will be the pole dance and the breakdance choreographer in the crowd that will pick you onto their teams, so you have to make a good impression to get the option to choose to which team you want to go to. It is going to be a huge show with costumes, interviews, press, guests, family and multiple dances." "That sounds huge.", Raphael whispered and Alec nodded. Valentine continued:" You will perform three times- once with your year two choreography, once with your year one students with whom you are going to choreograph the dance you will showcase and in the all years dance so be prepared! Take Amatis' service into consideration, eat clean, stretch and prepare yourselves for a lot of hard work the next week! You will also have to choreograph a sixteen people group dance with your partners so all Nutrition and Sports Science lessons are cancelled in order to make time for that. Make sure to clean out your rooms as we may have visitors that will want to explore the dorms at the open house. I told you, it will be gigantic so let's get going people!"

"I thought My head was going to explode with all that information.", Maia sighed at lunch. That very second, Magnus and Ragnor joined in. "Hey! Have you heard of the open house?",Ragnor asked and Raphael nodded:" Yes we did! It's huge!" Alec frowned. Usually Magnus always gave him a kiss when he joined at lunch, now he sat down on the other side of the table. That was weird. "Are you okay?", Alec whispered and Magnus nodded:" Yes." He seemed really tense and the fact that he desperately stuffed his mouth with pasta made it obvious that he was trying to avoid a conversation. "What do you think, Alec?", Maia asked and Alec whirled around. "Sorry, I wasn't listening.", he mumbled. "I was asking if you had any idea how we are going to come up with a decent choreography with our year one partners that all of us will be able to perform." Alec scoffed:" Another pain in my ass. I have no idea." Maia shrugged and turned her head back to Simon, Raphael and Ragnor which gave Alec the chance to observe Magnus again. He didn't only seem tense, he also seemed off. As if he was overthinking something. Suddenly, he felt so distant to him. What happened? Alec had a really bad feeling about this- Magnus wasn't like that. Magnus always made him feel like the luckiest guy alive but now all Alec felt was worry and tension. "Mags, can we talk?", he asked quietly and Magnus almost choked on his pasta:" Sorry, gotta go. I have to ask Luke something about my last assignment." Then he took off without even finishing his lunch. That was definitely suspicious- what was he hiding? And why was he so distant towards him? "Hello?? Alec? Still here??", Maia asked and Alec whirled around again:" Sorry, I've..." "You've been caught in your own thoughts again. Seriously, what is wrong with you two! You both seem so weird and tense- is everything alright?" "I have no idea.", Alec sighed, "Something feels wrong. I mean, he seems different to me and I don't know what happened." "He was behaving a little weird since the day he had that job.", Ragnor said, "But I thought you guys were having relationship trouble- am I wrong?" Alec shrugged:" I would have said yes but at this point I am not sure myself. I just hope that whatever it is we can sort it out soon." 

Hello beautiful people! This is the chapter for today! I know, plot-wise not much has happened but I wanted to give you an idea of where I was going and what the plan is for this story so now you know what all of this is for. The next chapters will definitely be a lot of malec and some raphreen so I am really excited for that! I hope you are staying safe and entertained!                                                                                                                                                            XOXO, Ally <3      

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