Chapter fourteen

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"And up, and up!", Jocelyn commanded. It was Saturday which meant three hours of Basic training in the morning. The only good thing about it was that year two and three were put together for those so Alec got to work out with Magnus. "Well done guys!", Jocelyn said. "Just kill me already.", Alec laughed as he dropped himself on the floor. "Me first please.", Magnus said. "Nope, ladies first!", Maia laughed. Simon grinned:" I think we all can shoot eahother." "At lease you can look at some hot ass half naked girls while working out- a pleasure not every guy gets.", Camille laughed. "Imgine the guys and the girls switching clothes.", Ragnor gagged. SUddenly the whole room went silents. "Nonononono!", Magnus laughed but it was already too late. "Let's all change and confuse Jocelyn when she comes back.", Maureen giggled and everyone got up and raced to the change rooms. "Good luck with that.", Maia said as she passed Alec her tiny, purple sports bra and matching shorts. "There is no way I will fit in this.", he laughed but Maia just shrugged:" I belive in you." Then alec passed her his shorts and sweat-soaked tank top. "That's disgusing.", Maia laughed and quickly went back to the girls change room. "Guys, can anyone close my bra?", Simon giggled and Raphael ran to help him. Then Magnus help up his pair of extremely short hot pinkt shorts. "So how the fuck am I supposed to fit in there?", he laughed. Alec seriously was asking himself the same question. With Magnus' help he managed to put on the sports bra which basically took his ability to breath and squeezed his legs into the shorts. "Let's go!", Ragnor laughed and the boys entered the training room where the girl were already waiting. Maia burst out laughing:" You look ridiculous!" Ragnor's sportsbra was so small, it didn't cover his nipples and Magnus' shorts revealed half of his ass. "But your clothes are just digusting.", Camille sighed. Now it was the boys turn to laugh- their shorts were basically slipping down the girls' hips and the sweaty tshirts looked like dresses. "I think you could but on a garbage bag and it wouldn't look much different.", Simon joked, trying to hide his leg hair unter the long baby blue socks he got from Gretel. "This is hilarious.", Maia giggled and took a couple of pictures of the whole gang in front of the mirror, goofing around. Suddenly, they heard steps. "Side plank!", Maureen yelled and everyone got down to the floor just in time for Jocelyn to arrive and see for herself what her students have been doing those past ten minutes. "I appreciate the gender-equality approach you are having here but I don't think anyone of you is comfortable.", she chuckled. 

"God, that was so much fun.", Simon laughed, making his way to their contemporary choreography lesson. "It was disgusting.", Maia said and Alec shrugged:" I am just surprised I fit in there. But it was tight, I have a read line around my chest from it." Maia laughed:" But those pictures are amazing- all of the girls just disgusted and you slaying those neon shorts with your hairy legs. Raphael grinned:" It is a memory. Definitely not going to forget that any time soon." Suddenly, Alec's phone beeped- it was Julian. "Practice at lunch in tumbling room 2.", he read out in annoyance. "We will just take turns in teaching okay? It's going to be alright.", Maia said and Alec dropped himself on the dancefloor- when was this going to end?

"Okay, Julian, Emma, we want to see your jumps again. Alec and I will take turns in teaching, the first hour I'll be coaching you, the second hour Alec.", Maia commanded harshly. They used to try to be friendly to Emma and Julian but now all the patience has left their bodies- they were just annoyed. Both of them. Alec made himself comfortable on the soft mattes on the floor- he was exhausted as hell, especially knowing he had ballet choreography lessons later and then would have to meet with Isabelle and Jace. This day seemed to be eternal. Slowly, Alec felt like he was slipping away. Slipping into a calm, peaceful nap. 

"Alec, you're up.", Maia yelled. Alec winced and struggled into a standing position. "Were you sleeping?", she asked smiling. "Ugh, kind of.", Alec startled, running his hand through his disarrayed hair. This was a mess. "We were just working on echappes.", Maia helped. "Okay, show me.", Alec commanded, still trying to properly wake up. "Okay, yeah you're right- that's terrible.", he stated. If they would be straight forwards with them, maybe they could get some progress. "I can't jump anymore. I have been doing this for the pas hour- can't we do lifts now?", Emma complained. Alec rolled his eyes:" No we can't. As soon as you get your echappes, we can talk about it." Emma looked annoyed but there wasn't much she could do. Carefully, Alec tried to instruct them- without any outcome. It was as if they weren't putting any effort in it. "Just show us.", Julian yawned. And Alec did as he was told. He showed them one, twice, three times- nothing. It was starting to get really discouraging. "Okay I think we are not getting anywhere here.", Maia sighed, "Lets just do lifts. Arch back?" Alec shrugged:" Okay." But there was no progress in the lifts either. No matter how often they explained it to them, no matter how often they showed them, they simply didn't seem to care enough to properly try. Both of them had this 'whatever' attitude which made it even harder to work with them. Another tiring hour and lots of lifts and catches later, the four of them finally left the studio. Emma and Julian looked completely relaxed. Lucky them, they didn't have any more lessons. But Alec and Maia had another two hours of ballet choreography to go. And neither of them felt like dance anymore.

How do you think the story will evolve? Let me know!    


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