Chapter sixty-five

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"Whoa, this location is huge!", Magnus sighed as he entered the parking lot he was filming the movie scene at. Right by his side, Asmodeus who has offered him that job and made it possible for him to get it. "I told you it will be fun.", Asmodeus said and pushed him into a man at the end of his thirties. His hairline was clearly receding, round goggles framed his vibrant green eyes. Apart from that, his appearance was quite unrecognizable- blue slightly baggy jeans and a brown shirt matched with a green scarf that perfectly fit his eyes. "Hi, Asmodeus! Haven't seen you in a while!", he greeted Magnus' company and shook his hand. "Hello Matthew! This is Magnus, I have already told you about him.", Asmodeus introduced Magnus. "Hey, I'm Matt, this movies creative director- You're one of the dancers right?" Magnus shook his head in agreement- it was honestly overwhelming on set. There were hundreds of people running around, screaming, passing each other things, taking directions or clearly searching something. "I know the set is quite a mess right now, we just got the information that there might be a thunderstorm later and as we are filming this scene outdoor we need to get it done as soon as possible. Please, don't be irritated, changerooms are in the back, there someone will take you into hair and makeup.", Matt explained and instantly murmured something into his headset- it was quite busy. "Alright.", Magnus agreed, gave Asmodeus a hug and made his way to the changerooms where he got assigned his costume. He got an email a few weeks ago including a video of a guy, probably the choreographer, showing the choreography and explaining the scene so that Magnus was already safe in the routine as he practiced it at NYABM. "Hey, I'm Lindsey, I will be taking you into hair and makeup. Please follow me.", a young girl approached him. Without even having the chance to introduce himself, Magnus started darting after her. She was quite short and her strawberry blonde hair was tied into a tiny ponytail, barely even dangling. "So, you know what scene we're shooting, right?", Lindsey asked as she pressed Magnus into a chair and started applying lotion all over his face. "Isn't it the Flashmob?", he asked with a frown, a bit surprised. "Oh thank god. Yes, it is. I am just asking because you won't believe how many people come in here completely unprepared, some don't even read the script.", Lindsey explained. "Oh, I see. I'm quite nervous, actually, so I thought properly preparing might be a good idea.", Magnus chuckled and squinted as Lindsey started to heavily pack his face with powder. "Right way of thinking. Is it your first time on a movie set?", Lindsey kept asking while proceeding with his makeup. "Yes.", Magnus confessed. "That's so exciting! Okay, please relax your face, I am going to apply eyeliner now, it might feel a bit weird.", Lindsey warned and approached Magnus' eye. "Oh don't worry, I privately wear eyeliner quite often.", he relaxed her. "Do you? That's so cool.", Lindsey replied and proceeded. Magnus relaxed a bit and went through the choreography once again in his head. They were filming the final scene of the movie where the main character proposes to his girlfriend on that Walmart parking lot and a lot of random people join in for a Flashmob. For that Flashmob, the movie producers have hired dozens of dancers and made them dress up casually. Magnus' outfit consisted of black boots, a black ripped skinny jeans, a black sweater with silver chains attacked to it and a huge silver earring. "You're a bit of a goth.", Lindsey explained as she started forming spikes out of his hair. "Fine with me.", Magnus chuckled. After he was done he thanked Lindsey and proceeded to the parking lot where he spotted a few dancers warming up, some wearing a quite similar outfit to his. "Okay guys, we really have to get going, the weather is not with us today!", a deep manly voice yelled- that was the man from the video. "I hope you know the choreography, position yourselves and let's run this through a couple of times!", he commanded and all the dancers took in the parking lot. "5, 6, 7, 8!", he commanded and the music started playing. Immediately, energy rushed through Magnus' body and he started dancing like he has never danced before. "That was awesome! One more time!", the choreographer yelled but got interrupted by Matt. "I am sorry Ted, we don't have time! We need to shoot now!" "Alright, you heard the man, get ready, we're shooting!", Ted changed his plans and Magnus took one last deep breath. Now the actors joined the scene and it felt like it was all coming together as a whole. "Camera- Action!", Matt commanded and Magnus and the other dancers slowly started walking towards their positions as the actors spoke their dialogues. As the main character got down on one knee, "Will you marry me?", started playing and everyone started moving. Alec's picture appeared insight of Magnus' mind and Magnus danced harder than he ever thought he could. Suddenly, in the middle of the song the sky broke and rain was flooding down on them, wetting the concrete and making Magnus' clothes stick to his body. The cold water felt icy on his burning skin as he gave that dance his all. "That's a wrap! That was awesome!", Matt cheered, completely soaked like the rest of them and Magnus smiled brightly- he has made up his mind.

"Alec?", he asked as he stormed into their dorm room. "Yes? How was it? Why are you wet?", Alec asked overwhelmed. "Doesn't matter- I'm staying. I choose you. I choose us.", Magnus exhaled, his eyes glittering in a fiery insanity. "What do you mean?", Alec asked, clearly startled. "I made up my mind.", Magnus slowed down and took Alec's hands into his, "I am staying here. I am not graduating. I want one more year here. One more year in this room. One more year with you. I don't want new when I can have a year of waking up next to you."

Hello beautiful people! Isn't this absolutely beautiful? One more year of malec? I hope you are down for it. 
XOXO, AllyMaii

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