Chapter fifteen

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"Here you are!", Isabelle exclaimed and pulled her brother into a hug. "Hey, Alec!", Jace greeted and also gave him a hug. "I know I'm late, so sorry.", Alec apologized a little out of breath as he ran the whole way to the cafe from NYABM. "Where have you been?", Isabelle asked as they sat down. "I had classes and Valentine extended them as he made us do the same jump over and over again." "Ew, you smell tho. Did you shower?", Jace joked. Alec grinned:" I did. Obviously. I even changed for you guys." Isabelle laughed:" A fresh hoodie? Wow progress!" Alec grinned- she had a point though. He had at least five of those plain black hoodies. "It would be fun to have you walk in here in tights tho. I mean the stares would be everything.", Jace kept on joking. "Apropos tights- how is acting going? Aren't you on that show with the prince and stuff?", Alec asked vaguely. To be honest he didn't really listen when Jace explained the plot of the series to him. "Nope, turned it down.", Jace said. Both Alec and Isabelle whirled around:" What?!" Jace grinned:" I had to set my priorities." "Okay now I am scared.", Isabelle admitted and Alec nodded- Jace quitting acting would be like him quitting dancing or Isabelle quitting modelling- never going to happen. "Well I gathered you, my beloved siblings here to break the news to you- we are buying an apartment. Clary finally moved on with me." "That's great! Congratulations!", Isabelle cheered, "but why wouldn't she just move into your apartment? It's big enough for two, isn't it?" Jace bit his lip with a suspicious smile:" Well, for two, yes. But Clary is pregnant." "Whattttt?", Alec exclaimed in disbelief- he really didn't expect that. "Omg I am so happy for you two! That's so adorable!", Isabelle congratulated. "Damn, man, I really didn't see that one coming.", Alec said, overwhelmed by the news. "So, we found this cute apartment in Manhattan which is pretty affordable for an apartment that size in Manhattan. So we are moving in next month, going to get our keys tomorrow and we will have to be out of our apartment in three weeks!" "Oh wow, that's quick!", Isabelle said. Jace nodded:" It is but we couldn't do it any other way. That's why I turned down the job- there will be soooo much work to do and we both will need all our time and all help we can get." "Yeah sure!", Isabelle said, "I can definitely come help with some painting or decorating!" "Yeah me too I mean whatever you need me to do I can ask the guys and we will try to help as much as we can fit into our schedules.", Alec said. "Thank you. I really need every hand I can get. I know both of you are busy though so don't feel bad if it gets too much..." "No, it's going to be fine. I can ask Raphael and Simon, if you want Maia, and then we can come help after practice or on Sundays." "Me too. I mean, I will have to check my calendar but I am sure I can make some time for that." Jace smiled delightfully:" I can't wait." "Oh, I completely forgot to ask, how is Magnus?", Isabelle changed the topic. "Mags is good, he has a lot on his plate and we still are trying to figure it out but he is doing fine I think." "That's good to hear. How is it, being back in that NYABM environment? One year older?", Jace asked. They seemed genuinely interested. "It's like coming home. I mean a lot has changed, we have a new academy head and with me and Magnus being a year older it's getting harder to find time for each other- and also we have to babysit the new year one students. Most of them are insanely talented bit some, like mine and Maia's partner are total jerks, literally they have no motivation, their work ethic is trash and and their technique sucks and needs a lot of catching up." "How did they even get in then?", Jace asked. "My partner is the new headmistress' younger brother and Maia's partner is his best friend." "Oh god.", Maia sighed, "and you have to help them catching up I suppose?" Alec nodded:" And it's starting to really get to me cause they put no effort in it, Me and Maia work our butts of in between practice and Magnus is pissed because I spend more time with them than with him. But it's not like I've got a choice.", Alec ranted. It was good to let it all out. "I understand that. But I guess it will get better? I mean if they don't want to do it they will stop wasting their time on not even trying, right?", Jace supposed. Alec shrugged:" That sounds logical. I mean maybe they are going to leave us alone by midterms." "I read hope that for you.", Isabelle said, "And with Magnus- Have you explained the situation to him?" Alec nodded:" I have but we got in a fight because I forgot about his audition and he said I stopped listening to him and it just all sort of escalated. But we're working on it." Jace sighed:" I can imagine. But I guess the only thing you can do is try not to piss of your partner from year one but still try to keep a certain distance to him. And make time for Magnus in the late evenings. I suppose you both want to go to bed but I believe a 15 minute talk before one of you goes to bed every evenings just to catch up could really work wonders." "Me too. If anyone will find a way to get through this, you two will.", Isabelle said. Alec smiled weakly:" We will. I love him too much to watch it all fall apart. That's not going to happen. Not now, not ever."

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