Chapter fifty-seven

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"So you asked me to come here for what?", Alec asked after entering Jonathan's room. "Well, you know some of us have exams this week.", He said and showed Alec where to sit down. "Are your grades that bad?", He asked. He knew that only people who got bad grades at assignments needed to take tests and exams at the end of the year. "Well, I would prefer to say I prioritized things over my academic success.", Jonathan stated and offered Alec something to drink, which he declined. He didn't want to get comfortable. "So, the first favor I am asking from you is to help me study. From what I have heard, you are pretty good, academically.", Jonathan sighed and put his folders on the kitchen table. "Well, what have you been prioritizing?", Alec asked. If Jonathan was going to blackmail him, he at least was going to find out something about his enemy. "Not everyone gets to just be at NYABM.", Jonathan said and opened a folder, demonstrating him not wanting to talk about it. But Alec wasn't about to drop it at all. It was quite the opposite, actually. He has smelled blood. "What do you mean?", He asked. "I mean that not everyone has a mommy and a daddy that will pay all your bills.", He replied, his voice even colder than usual. "We are more similar than you are assuming, Jonathan." , Alec said and drew his attention away from the conversation. But now Jonathan was the one curious. "In which way?", He asked, peeling his gaze from his ballet theory notes. "Well, if you are implying that your parents don't pay for NYABM we have a thing in common.", Alec replied. "Huh, I always thought you were one of these richkids.", Jonathan explained. "Well, you are wrong. How do you pay for it?", Alec asked, hoping to gather some actually useful information. "I have finance aid for NYABM. I showed them what I got and they decided to financially support me. But in order to keep supporting me they need me to stay on top of my game and preferably be the best of the class. I am not that much of an asshole, Alec. You were just getting dangerously close so I needed to do what I needed to do.", Jonathan stated, his voice still completely cold. Alec needed to squeeze every muscle in his face in order not to drop his jaw. "So you did sabotage me last year after all.", He replied, his voice completely flat. Maybe some part of him still had silently wished that the incident which caused his initial knee injury was an accident after all, even if that was very naive. "As I said, I needed to do what I needed to do.", He replied, " I'm sorry for any inconveniences that brought you along the way though." Now Alec dropped his jaw. "Inconveniences? You call that whole thing an inconvenience? It almost ended my career, let alone the obvious. You were willing to risk that?" Jonathan did nothing. He just sat there, his hands perfectly calm, not a drop of sweat on his forehead. Then it hit Alec. "You were planning for it to happen, didn't you?", He said, all the energy sucked out of him. He knew NYABM was competitive, but he never thought someone could be cruel enough to purposely injure another dancer bad enough to end his career. "I see, you are slowly starting to understand me.", Jonathan said as if this was a casual conversation. To his surprise, no anger rose up in Alec. All he felt was disappointment. "Come on, don't act like it is a surprise to you, Alec. I made it very obvious.", Jonathan said and padded Alec's shoulder, but he flinched immediately. "It is a surprise to me, actually. Because even I thought better of you. But you are even more pathetic than I thought, and that that is possible is honestly very surprising." "I'm not pathetic, Alec. I'm a shark. I'm a survivor. I get the things I want. And I do it extremely smartly, you got to admit. I made an effort once, and see how much good that has already done to me. Work smarter not harder.", Jonathan chuckled, "Apropos work. Your favor. Back to studying." "Right.", Alec replied and swore on everything he had that he was going to pay back Jonathan one day. And when that day would come, there would be nothing left of him than dust and a bit of his aftershave.

"How was it?", Magnus asked worriedly as Alec walked into their room. "Fine.", He replied and walked straight to the bedroom. "Hey, want happened?", Magnus asked and sat down onto the bed next to Alec. Cold sweat was running down Alecs back and his hands were shaking. "I'd love to punch a wall but I guess that isn't a healthy coping mechanism.", He mumbled through his teeth. "Wanna punch a pillow instead?", Magnus asked. Alec wasn't the aggressive type, but he felt like it wouldn't be smart to question his needs right now. "Can you turn around?", Alec asked and Magnus did as he was told. For a solid minute, all he heard were Alec's fists darting down onto the pillow, his heavy breath and the squeaking of the bed. "Okay I'm done.", He scoffed, clearly out of breath. "Who was that pillow?", Magnus asked, even though he already had an idea of what the answer was going to be. "Jonathan.", Alec sighed. "Son of a bitch.", Magnus stated. "Pretty much, yeah. Son of a poor bitch would be even more precise.", Alec replied. "Which means?", Magnus questioned and Alec told him the whole story. Every tiny bit of it. "Not that I expected any better from him though.", Alec finished. That was the only thing he lied about. He just didn't want to admit to himself he was wrong. "Yes you did, Alec.", Magnus said and wrapped his hands around his boyfriend, "but that's okay. Because you always search for the good in people. One of the things I love about you."

Hello beautiful people!
So sorry for not updating last Friday, I was insanely busy. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I thought that it would be interesting to actually make a dialogue between Jonathan and Alec happens and clear up a lot of things that have happened, also over the previous book. I hope this chapter could bring some closure and you liked it as much as I did! After dropping this bomb on you, what do you think will be Jonathan's next favors? The first one wasn't that bad...
Have an amazing day,
XOXO, AllyMaii

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